cara nk pakai tool covert cookie tu:
> Enter your Affiliate Link (e.g.
> Enter your Merchant's URL (e.g.
Click "
akan dapat code mcm ni nanti bila generate base on example yang pakai kt atas tu:
- Code:
<img src="" width="1" height="1" />
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<script>window.status=" ";</script>
Before kte proceed, jom wat test sket;
- Open notepad (or kalo nk shortcut tekan win + r then masukkn notepad then enter (for XP user))
- Copy (Ctrl + C) and Paste (Ctrl + V) code yang generated from tool tadi tu kt notepad
- Xpyh risau pasal tag2 html, just copy and paste exactly the code into notepad
- Then save it as testing.html (make sure bukan extension .txt bila dah save, nk .html)
- Kalo xtau file tu berextension .html ke .txt ke .exe ke ikut step bwh utk check
- Open My Computer then pergi dekat menu option “Tools”
- Then select “Folder Options…” follow with choosing “View” tab
- Cari “Hide extensions for known all types” – Untick kotak tu
- Apply then Ok
- Back to file testing.html tadi, open file tu mcm bukak file biasa (usually double-click)
- Tengok status kt bwh skali belah kiri, alert dengan;
- (Looking up, Connecting, Connected, Waiting, Transferring until Done)
- Ada nampak x (
- Kalau nampak mksdnya script tu dah selamat, complete
Conclusion: Assume testing.html tadi ialah web ang yang tengah live kt net (Internet). Disebabkan ang bukak web testing.html tu tadi, cookies telah ditanam didalam computer ang tanpa ang click on any affiliate link. Actually simple flow aku leh tunjuk kt sini;
Orang search dlm Google dengan certain keyword, then die jumpe web ang… so die click kt URL web ang dan selamat masuk ke web ang, so code td akan automatically embedded kedlm pc org tu. So, if that person doesn’t land on other affiliate page yang guna method mcm ni or xclick on any other affiliate link lain yang berkaitan or xclear cookies and purchase from that merchant then you will get commission from that.
However instead of nk check lagi betul ke just copy HTML ASCII Characters tu:
- Code:
Sama gak step ngn kt atas (notepad tu) then test, dpt x:
* aku pakai sebagai contoh je, so nanti bila ade hoplink ngn merchant then pakai URL merchant tu.
Reason orang pakai teknik ni sebab:
- nk hide affiliate link (obviously)
- xnk sales kena curik
- xnk wat visitor suspicious yang web dia ialah web affiliate (org dah ramai aware pasal web2 affiliate, tp no worries xde impact yg besar pn insyaAllah)
- nk bagi nampak professional looking website (without affiliate link)
Btw ada 1 teknik kalo la merchant nyer sales/landing page leh wat your customer
lari, pdhal die dah niat nk beli based on what he/she read from your website:
- Guna teknik td utk embed cookie dlm pc your web visitor (
Penting sebab bypass merchant page)
- the instead of buat link ke merchant page mcm ni:
<a href="">Buy Now</a> <--- Bukan
<a href="">Buy Now</a> <--- Yerp
So kt sini bila org click on the link, org tu xkn masuk ke sales/landing page merchant yang xbp ok tu. Die akan tros didirectkn ke Order Page. Tapi make sure you are using the covert cookie technique tu. Kalo x, cookie xkn diembedkn ke dlm pc
web visitor tu. Dah rugi 1 sale kalo die beli.
@silentfox <--- one of your articles? utk buat backlinking?
Bagi ur visitor ruang nk memilih, maybe leh letak more than one product related. Sp yang betul2 target audience ang? Apa org yang dah berjaya ckp? Die dpt nk wat presentation utk company die tanpa rs segan2 lg? Die dah xksh naik public transport (metro train, bullet train, kl monorail ke, etc) or xpyh tgu sampai org xsesak lg.
Biasa org jenis ni akan rasa xselesa bila sweating kn, so ape yang menyebabkn dorg xselesa gak.. dorg ni jenis slalu mengadap org ke? partner(married/couple) dorg xthn ke? org2 kt opis die slalu kutuk2 ke? die banyak kena angkat tgn ke? bekerja ngn public ke? bekerja ngn org kenamaan ke?
Disebabkn harga product ni agak mahal, why don't you highlightkn btol2..stand outkn pasal "RISK-FREE" 100% charge back within 60 days.
Well, jgn cpt putus asa if you won't get any sales. Market seduction mmg agak mencabar, they do not know us. Why should they trust you? Why should they buy it? How do you seduce them? How do you convince them? banyak lagi persoalan boleh timbul here actually...
Simple strategy, Try to be customer and look back on your article. Ade xpape yang meragukan... (assume you are really looking on how to stop excessive underarm sweating.)
Try mintak merchant, maybe nk letak "Seal/Certificate" yang merchant tu ade utk letak dlm your page so leh attract org sket.
Sorry aku xdpt nk review btol2...aku tgh "High"... lol jgn slh anggap, aku xtdo smlm..mlm ni lak ade ftsl..balik mmg out tros...
aku ske point ang back to school to lol
@kamikase & Zex
Alhamdulillah...Congratulations...keep up the good work... leh la bwk amek aku nant naik 350z.. hehe..
Good luck with your work...
Last edited by yurckk on Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:01 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : [Code] convert HTML ASCII Characters lak, lol...zzzz..[quote] pn sm...xquote pn sm lg...zzzzz....)