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66 posters

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    mat bunga
    mat bunga
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 25
    Registration date : 08/07/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by mat bunga Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:55 am

    asalipo wrote:Aku ada nak share benda best
    Kalau korang nak test power korang
    dalam IM cuba amik challenge ni

    Howie Schwartz launched a challenge to see who was the most remarkable marketer, as part of the project IM Ramarkable.

    Cuba baca details kat blog dia

    Then ni fav blogspot aku; as also mentioned by Howie

    Tu dia, derang tunjuk satu persatu apa yang derang buat
    and kebanyakannya pakai free method. Korang bleh analize, reverse engineer
    atau follow/tiru (ini mungkin tak bagos kot) je apa yang derang buat hahahaha
    Basically mmg ini ler bende kitorang buat masa memula belajar dulu

    kalau ader sesaper take challenge kasik la url blogspot korang..

    asalipo ko memang kacak Wink

    blog step by step tu memang best bounce
    jadi panduan bagi aku. terang skit jalan IM ni.
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Gender : Male Number of posts : 37
    Location : east of malaysia
    Registration date : 30/06/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by mz_zeus87 Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:41 pm

    selamat ari jumaat semua..semoga hari jumaat yang indah nie kite sama sama perbanyakkan amal ibadah mendapat keberkatan dari yang maha pen gasih atas apa yang kite buat atas muka buminya...aminnn

    smalam aku penat sgt..x smpat nk post update aku yang terbaruu.kmarin aku study camner nk buat article ngan cepat dan berkualiti..lpas dapat ilmu dari ashid baru laa aku dapat tangkap ape maknernyer presell article..thanks to ashid atas ilmu yg ko bagi kat aku..moga2 makin murah rezki ko..aminnn...

    dear ubuntu..mekasih banyak2 pasal harta karon yang silent fox bagi kat aku..aku blom practice agi cara ko aku akan follow your step...thanksss

    actually aku ader satu soalan yang x brape cerdik nk tanye kat saper2 yang tahu... apsal time kite nk check keywor kat google kiter taip "allintitle: keyword"..apsal kena ader allintitle kat depan...stahu aku..lau aku surf anything kat internet aku x pnah pon ltak intitle ke amenda ker kat depan kite pnyer keyword..just curious jer...huhu..arap ader yg menjawab tandatanya aku nih..
    mat bunga
    mat bunga
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 25
    Registration date : 08/07/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by mat bunga Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:07 pm

    allintitle tu nak tau website ape yg ada keyword yang kita search tu kat title. maknanya website tu seo kan title untuk keyword tu.

    org biasa mmg tak guna allintitle bila buat carian. cuma marketer je yg buat kot sebab
    kalo guna allintitle, kita dapat filter website yang akan jadi competitor untuk keyword tu.

    harap membantu walaupun penerangan tak panjang dan lebar.
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 138
    Registration date : 12/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ashid Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:35 pm

    betol la cakap mat bunga tu.. if kita search without allintitle, maybe kita jumpa banyak result. tapi dengan allintitle, result yg keluar lebih accurate dengan apa yg kita cari. ada banyak lagi. cuba cari kat google.

    contohnya, if kita google word - niche marketing , result yg kuar macam2.
    but kalo kita google - marketing , dapat result yg lebih tepat.

    untuk lebih detail, ko masuk sini :

    kalo pandai guna, dapat jimatkan masa kita dalam wat research.
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Gender : Male Number of posts : 132
    Location : Bergiat aktif ketika malam!
    Job/hobbies : Layan bola especially EPL!
    Registration date : 18/06/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by silentfox Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:24 pm

    Pejuang Syahid wrote:
    Saya enrolled kedalam WA melalui link saudara Magnolia 7 minggu yg lepas. Nampaknya dia sudah kurang online sekarang.

    Harap kalau saya ada soalan... saudara-saudari semua sudi untuk menerangkannya bagi saya walaupun berbunyi agak bodoh kerana saya mengaku... saya sememangnya agak baru dalam hal ini.

    Sekian, Smile

    lamanya ko jadi silent reader... affraid dah hampir 2 bulan lol...ko kira ok la dah dapat ilmu dr WA and OWM...kira advanced dr kitorg yg baru2 nih dr segi ilmu ko...

    skrg dah active balik thread nih...tetiba je ramai silent reader muncul...bagus2...aku ingatkan aku,cokodork and pidi jer yg stil nak blaja...mcm nih baru la sronok ramai geng...

    klu dah ramai nih perbincangan makin byk...kdg2 apa yg korg tnya aku sendirik x tahu yg aku x tahu...hehe!
    Crown Vina
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 6
    Registration date : 17/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by Crown Vina Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:17 pm

    pasal landing page.

    Jgn pening kepala sgt dgn too much techie stuff mcm Dreamweaver CS3 and so on.

    Kalau ada duit.. get Xsitepro.

    If not possible.. guna Squiddo or Weebly. Area51 patut familiar dgn terms 'ghetto landing page'.

    Guna benda tuh.. speed equals money... in this sense aku suka guna Weebly untuk test the water.
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 37
    Registration date : 15/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by yuzafi Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:40 am

    Salam semua,

    Lama jugak dah aku jadi silent reader kar sini.Selama out aku buat kerja sendiri dan banyak membaca thread saja.Oklah,aku nak minta pendapat korang kat sini pasal satu lagi produk yang muncul.Kali nie dari Zamri JV Patric Chan(aku teringatkan si finix ada bagitau..kalau newsletter atau product dari Patric nie memang bagus).Kali ini aku tengok produk nie lebih kepada teknik nak build internet business rather on making money online.Kiranya produk nie tengah hangat diperkatakan oleh local marketer.Lagi pun baru sangat launh...Aku tak tahulah samada product nie cuma touch basic thing sahaja..atau mungkin lebih kurang sama mcm 8 weeks WA.Cuma product nie punya tag line ialah 4 weeks to freedom(mungkin 8 weeks dah di compres menjadi 4 weeks)
    So,aku nak letakkan link product tue kat sini..tapi takut kena marah pulak.So,kalau korang nak tau korang cuba tengok2 kat
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 138
    Registration date : 12/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ashid Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:26 am

    crown.. thanks sebab still lagi jengok jengok kat sini Smile

    yuzafi : lama tak nampak.. pendapat camna tu? tentang that product ke. ada gak "ternampak" zamri sedang offer jv for someone who have list at least 1k ke atas. Maybe cara approach kali ni melalui email marketiing plak. Kalo pendapat aku, aku rasa, cukuplah dengan apa yg ada sekarang. Bukan bermaksud kita berpuas hati dan ignore everything, tapi aku rasa ilmu yg ada sekarang pon sepatutnya dah boleh bawa kita ke taraf yang lain dari sekarang. kalo terlalu banyak sangat resource, nanti boleh jadi keliru pula. the best thing, stick dengan apa yg ada, and work with it. sampai masa kita rasa we need more thn that, thn aku rasa on that time kita mula move to something yg lebih besar.

    *patric chan ada post something yg aku rasa bagus.
    its about looking at the "think big" on the different angle
    here is the link
    Pejuang Syahid
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 17
    Registration date : 02/07/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by Pejuang Syahid Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:12 am

    Assalamualaikum Warrahmatulaahi Wabarakaatuh..

    Boleh sesiapa tolong ajarkan mcm mana saya nak download video-video dari laman web yg otherwise is not downloadable.

    Stuff mcm Camtasia video dan juga video-video Frank Kern tuh.

    Minta tolong berikan tunjuk ajar... semoga Allah S.W.T membalas jasa tuan puan dgn rahmat dan keredhaan dalam pencarian rezeki ini. Smile

    *Tgk video nih: Dateless Sniper Wordpress Theme

    Superb untuk buat niche sites...
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Gender : Male Number of posts : 119
    Registration date : 17/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by Nezict Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:15 am

    Pejuang Syahid wrote:Assalamualaikum Warrahmatulaahi Wabarakaatuh..

    Boleh sesiapa tolong ajarkan mcm mana saya nak download video-video dari laman web yg otherwise is not downloadable.

    Stuff mcm Camtasia video dan juga video-video Frank Kern tuh.

    Minta tolong berikan tunjuk ajar... semoga Allah S.W.T membalas jasa tuan puan dgn rahmat dan keredhaan dalam pencarian rezeki ini. Smile

    *Tgk video nih: Dateless Sniper Wordpress Theme

    Superb untuk buat niche sites...

    surf gune IE. then abis stream video, cek kat Temporary Internet Files punyer folder, should be ade video realted kat situ. kebanyakan gune .FLV, but klo Camtasia, dier guna .SWF. Convert gune memane free video converter (Moyea, SUPER, etc.)
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Gender : Male Number of posts : 132
    Location : Bergiat aktif ketika malam!
    Job/hobbies : Layan bola especially EPL!
    Registration date : 18/06/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by silentfox Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:43 am

    Pejuang Syahid wrote:Assalamualaikum Warrahmatulaahi Wabarakaatuh..

    Boleh sesiapa tolong ajarkan mcm mana saya nak download video-video dari laman web yg otherwise is not downloadable.

    Stuff mcm Camtasia video dan juga video-video Frank Kern tuh.

    dah try guna IDM ? rasanya IDM nih bley donload smua video yg terpapar kat dlm internet tuh...

    slama nih aku buat xde masalah kut...x sure la klu xleh sbb x test site mana yg ko nak donload tuh...
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 123
    Registration date : 03/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ubuntu90 Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:57 pm


    Kenapa tak boleh buat pembelian di Clickbank??

    Seperti soalan saya diatas saya ingin bertanyakan kepada sesiapa yg
    tahu kenapa saya tak boleh buat pembelian di Clickbank?

    Selepas mengisi segala detail card debit saya, dan saya kemudiannya klik pada butang pay now

    tapi selepas beberapa saat, ini yg tertera pada page payment page Clickbank tersebut..


    Unable to process your order at this time (0)

    kenapa ya..?

    saya ingtkan tak tak ckup fund dlm akaun saya. saya pun tambah la lagi duit dalam tu. tapi still tak dapat buat pembelian tersebut..

    agaknya apa mslh2 yg saya hadapi ini ya..?

    sedangkan sebelum itu saya baru aja beli 1 lg produk Clickbank drp Patric Chan kelmarin.. ok jea..

    tak ada apa2 mslh..

    adakah ini berkaitan mslh dgn merchant atau apa..??

    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 37
    Registration date : 15/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by yuzafi Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:43 pm


    ko beli guna vcc..kalau belum cuba try.Mana tahu boleh.

    p.s:sekadar pendapat sahaja.
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 37
    Registration date : 15/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by yuzafi Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:54 pm

    ashid wrote:crown.. thanks sebab still lagi jengok jengok kat sini Smile

    yuzafi : lama tak nampak.. pendapat camna tu? tentang that product ke. ada gak "ternampak" zamri sedang offer jv for someone who have list at least 1k ke atas. Maybe cara approach kali ni melalui email marketiing plak. Kalo pendapat aku, aku rasa, cukuplah dengan apa yg ada sekarang. Bukan bermaksud kita berpuas hati dan ignore everything, tapi aku rasa ilmu yg ada sekarang pon sepatutnya dah boleh bawa kita ke taraf yang lain dari sekarang. kalo terlalu banyak sangat resource, nanti boleh jadi keliru pula. the best thing, stick dengan apa yg ada, and work with it. sampai masa kita rasa we need more thn that, thn aku rasa on that time kita mula move to something yg lebih besar.

    *patric chan ada post something yg aku rasa bagus.
    its about looking at the "think big" on the different angle
    here is the link

    Salam ashid,

    Memang dah lama jugak aku takder kat sini.Skng,rasanya nak join balik.Berkenaan produk zamri & patric tue..aku cuma nak tanya jer pendapat kepada sesapa yg dah beli.Mana tahu mmg power atau sekadar basic jer.Tapi,aku rasa zamri nie mungkin dah mula untuk bentuk satu kumpulan im local(circle).So,patric chan bekerjasama utk realized kan benda nie.
    Macam ko cakap pasal stick pada benda yg kita ada sekarang pun ada betulnya jugak.Tapi,aku rasa geng putra kat sini mmg dah advanced,tak perlukan sources lain,WA dan thread ini(dan thread yg dah hilang)pun dah cukup bagus.Sehinggakan aku yg newbie pun kalau baca bolehlah dapat kefahaman yg bagus.Lagi satu kat sini lebih penetrate market luar.Membuatkan kita lebih bersedia belajar benda yang advance compare to local marketer yg selalu jual produk yg outdated.
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 123
    Registration date : 03/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ubuntu90 Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:59 pm

    Salam, vcc?
    tak try la pulak..

    tp risau gak. tkt duit lpas aku transfer ke vcc tu burn..

    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 3
    Registration date : 18/02/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by spuk Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:05 pm

    Pejuang Syahid wrote:Assalamualaikum Warrahmatulaahi Wabarakaatuh..

    Boleh sesiapa tolong ajarkan mcm mana saya nak download video-video dari laman web yg otherwise is not downloadable.

    Stuff mcm Camtasia video dan juga video-video Frank Kern tuh.

    Minta tolong berikan tunjuk ajar... semoga Allah S.W.T membalas jasa tuan puan dgn rahmat dan keredhaan dalam pencarian rezeki ini. Smile

    *Tgk video nih: Dateless Sniper Wordpress Theme

    Superb untuk buat niche sites...

    ko gna firefox ka??
    kalau firefox..bleh download add-ons
    Don Juann
    Don Juann
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Gender : Male Number of posts : 39
    Registration date : 13/02/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by Don Juann Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:58 pm

    mak aih...aku bru tinggal jap...dh rmi dh..xleh jadi nie mkn ketggl aku Rolling Eyes byk betul aku kena hadam ni Shocked

    Kepada bro zeus, aku izinkan ko dapatkan 1 document yg aku bagi pada silent fox berkenaan article. Fox, pass kat brader ni ok.. file yg aku cerita pasal teori 1 article boleh jadi 30,50 dan lebih. senang cerita, nak buat article sepantas kilat.. err.. takda la mcm kilat.. saja nak tokok tambah.. huhu

    bro boleh bgi aku skali hehe Laughing
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 123
    Registration date : 03/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ubuntu90 Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:23 am

    karang aku post kat sini.
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 37
    Registration date : 15/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by yuzafi Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:16 am

    ubuntu90 wrote:Salam, vcc?
    tak try la pulak..

    tp risau gak. tkt duit lpas aku transfer ke vcc tu burn..


    Aku pun pernah ada masalah mcm nie.Jenuh register debit kad kat bank..haram tak leh pakai..naik bosan aku.Tapi,baru dalam minggu nie aku nak subscribe autoresponder tak boleh jugak guna debit card yg aku ada semua..aku dah mula hangin,last2,aku teringatkan vcc.Terus register dan top up..Alhamdulillah,sekali cuba terus boleh subscribe autoresponder.Lepas tue aku try pulak verifiedkan pay pal aku guna vcc jugak..pun menjadik..So,kesimpulannya,kad debit kat M;sia nie byk yg tak leh guna beli brg kat internet.WA pulak aku guna Al-Rajhi..boleh pulak..tapi,bila nak guna utk beli brg lain..ada yg boleh..ada yg sangkut...
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 36
    Registration date : 14/04/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by champerer Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:17 am


    If nk download video2 tu, try pakai orbitdownloader. Here's the link

    Free je. Ade function "grab" dlm software tu which mean you can grab anything from the net. Termasuk la pape iklan ke, mp3 ke video ke. Ko boleh abes download before video tu abes streaming sbb kadang2 certain website pnye video nk streaming lambat sgt. Dats y lagi senang ko grab and download je. Xyah tunggu streaming yg slalu stuck kejap2 tu. Hope this would helps.

    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Gender : Male Number of posts : 37
    Location : east of malaysia
    Registration date : 30/06/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by mz_zeus87 Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:53 am

    salam subuh untuk puteranian...
    Pejuang Syahid wrote:Assalamualaikum Warrahmatulaahi Wabarakaatuh..

    Boleh sesiapa tolong ajarkan mcm mana saya nak download video-video dari laman web yg otherwise is not downloadable.

    Stuff mcm Camtasia video dan juga video-video Frank Kern tuh.

    Minta tolong berikan tunjuk ajar... semoga Allah S.W.T membalas jasa tuan puan dgn rahmat dan keredhaan dalam pencarian rezeki ini. Smile

    *Tgk video nih: Dateless Sniper Wordpress Theme

    Superb untuk buat niche sites...

    slama aku guna intrnet nieee..aku rase IDM paling aku suggest pejuang guna IDM sebb leh dowloads video kat youtube direst..xyah ader downloader..memg laju...

    kat member2 kat sini yang da lama berkecimpung lam IM,sy ader satu persoalan..hekhek

    untuk newbie cam aku nk start IM better aku focus kat satu niche dulu or try byk2..kot mana2 niche akan trsangkut sale..hoho...kempunan nk mrase first sale niee..jeles tengok musang bisu dapat first sale..pejuang shahid?camner ngn perjalanan anda?harap semangat ko x luntur...ashid..komen laa lnding page aku tuh...hehe..nk dgr nih..
    untuk bro ubuntu..tenkiup ngan harta karun yang musang bisu bagi kat aku..terima kasih daun keladi...aku akan praktik ko pnyer teknik tuh..trimasssss....

    Last edited by mz_zeus87 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:56 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : x igt tenkiu)
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 123
    Registration date : 03/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ubuntu90 Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:35 am

    yuzafi wrote:
    ubuntu90 wrote:Salam, vcc?
    tak try la pulak..

    tp risau gak. tkt duit lpas aku transfer ke vcc tu burn..


    Aku pun pernah ada masalah mcm nie.Jenuh register debit kad kat bank..haram tak leh pakai..naik bosan aku.Tapi,baru dalam minggu nie aku nak subscribe autoresponder tak boleh jugak guna debit card yg aku ada semua..aku dah mula hangin,last2,aku teringatkan vcc.Terus register dan top up..Alhamdulillah,sekali cuba terus boleh subscribe autoresponder.Lepas tue aku try pulak verifiedkan pay pal aku guna vcc jugak..pun menjadik..So,kesimpulannya,kad debit kat M;sia nie byk yg tak leh guna beli brg kat internet.WA pulak aku guna Al-Rajhi..boleh pulak..tapi,bila nak guna utk beli brg lain..ada yg boleh..ada yg sangkut...


    Aku risau psl vcc ni expired dia cepat sgt maaa.. tu psl takut.. 1 lg risau berkenaan ketidakterjaminan.. (ada ke perkataan mcm ni ek. rasa cm ada je..)

    aku pakai public bank debit card. maybe aku try cuba nk amek Al-Rajhi.. berapa lama proses? berapa ratus nk kene byr? public bank dulu aku buat 3 bulan baru siap. jenuh aku..

    psl produk tu, aku da cntact owner dia. then aku da deal ngn die utk other payment method.

    cuma aku ada 2 lg service nk subscribe, harap2 tak ada mslh mcm ni lar..

    kpd sapa2 yg mtk document yg aku bg kat fox tu, tnggu jap ek. aku post kat sini. sama2 korang leyh belajar kan..

    mr z. err.. tamau aku panggil nickname ko tu. huhu.. better ko focus 1 niche lu. tanya fox, berkenaan fokus. n apa yg aku srh die buat.. die fokus, tu psl manage dpt 1st sale.

    aku ckp fokus 1 kywrd, buat smpi tembus 1st page, die buat. well, kalau ko ada method nk buat 50 keyword sekali blast utk msk 1st page, dlm masa yg sgt singkat, aku pun nk tau.. bkn ppc ek. tp organic listing..

    kalau ada, buat la. kalau tkde, better buat maximum 2 keyword dulu. aku assume ko ikut style organic listing player psl fox pun main cmtu. n ko byk refer die kan. tu psl aku bebel2 ni..

    sorry bz sikit yea, aku dpt beberapa hasil drp testing2 aku. alhamdulillah..
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 37
    Registration date : 15/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by yuzafi Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:03 pm

    ubuntu90 wrote:
    yuzafi wrote:
    ubuntu90 wrote:Salam, vcc?
    tak try la pulak..

    tp risau gak. tkt duit lpas aku transfer ke vcc tu burn..


    Aku pun pernah ada masalah mcm nie.Jenuh register debit kad kat bank..haram tak leh pakai..naik bosan aku.Tapi,baru dalam minggu nie aku nak subscribe autoresponder tak boleh jugak guna debit card yg aku ada semua..aku dah mula hangin,last2,aku teringatkan vcc.Terus register dan top up..Alhamdulillah,sekali cuba terus boleh subscribe autoresponder.Lepas tue aku try pulak verifiedkan pay pal aku guna vcc jugak..pun menjadik..So,kesimpulannya,kad debit kat M;sia nie byk yg tak leh guna beli brg kat internet.WA pulak aku guna Al-Rajhi..boleh pulak..tapi,bila nak guna utk beli brg lain..ada yg boleh..ada yg sangkut...


    Aku risau psl vcc ni expired dia cepat sgt maaa.. tu psl takut.. 1 lg risau berkenaan ketidakterjaminan.. (ada ke perkataan mcm ni ek. rasa cm ada je..)

    aku pakai public bank debit card. maybe aku try cuba nk amek Al-Rajhi.. berapa lama proses? berapa ratus nk kene byr? public bank dulu aku buat 3 bulan baru siap. jenuh aku..

    psl produk tu, aku da cntact owner dia. then aku da deal ngn die utk other payment method.

    cuma aku ada 2 lg service nk subscribe, harap2 tak ada mslh mcm ni lar..


    Kalau debit al-rajhi,aku buat kat caw.bangsar terus siap on the dot..daj boleh pakai.Tak silap aku bukak akaun RM20.00(kalau x silap..lupa lak)VCC yg aku pakai expired setahun.

    kpd sapa2 yg mtk document yg aku bg kat fox tu, tnggu jap ek. aku post kat sini. sama2 korang leyh belajar kan..

    mr z. err.. tamau aku panggil nickname ko tu. huhu.. better ko focus 1 niche lu. tanya fox, berkenaan fokus. n apa yg aku srh die buat.. die fokus, tu psl manage dpt 1st sale.

    aku ckp fokus 1 kywrd, buat smpi tembus 1st page, die buat. well, kalau ko ada method nk buat 50 keyword sekali blast utk msk 1st page, dlm masa yg sgt singkat, aku pun nk tau.. bkn ppc ek. tp organic listing..

    kalau ada, buat la. kalau tkde, better buat maximum 2 keyword dulu. aku assume ko ikut style organic listing player psl fox pun main cmtu. n ko byk refer die kan. tu psl aku bebel2 ni..

    sorry bz sikit yea, aku dpt beberapa hasil drp testing2 aku. alhamdulillah..
    Pejuang Syahid
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 17
    Registration date : 02/07/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by Pejuang Syahid Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:18 pm

    ::Daily Update::

    Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh..

    For the purpose of website... saya dah tgk dan perhatikan 4 platform iaitu 1) Weebly 2) Squiddo 3) XSitePro 4) Wordpress

    Selepas bermain beberapa ketika dengan Squidoo.. saya dapati ada tendency bahawa view soon-to-be-customer kita jadi distracted. Squidoo terlalu banyak distraction.. dia punya sistem module memeningkan kepala saya.. dan simpan di squidoo bermakna kita akan tertakluk dibawah rules and regulation mereka. I don't like that.

    Weebly bagus.. tak sebaik Squidoo in terms of ranking.. tapi tak ada distraction yg melampau-lampau. Sesuai kalau nak buat test niche.. dan itu adalah apa yg saya akan lakukan setiap kali saya uji niche baru di masa hadapan. Cuma faktor pilihan template sahaja.

    XSitePro bagus.. tapi ada dua masalah. 1) Kena bayar.. 2) Dia website yg sebenar-benarnya. Maknanya bukan base on Wordpress, Blogspot, Drupal atau apa-apa lagi. Ada masalah disini.. iaitu in terms of SEO. Semua kena buat sendiri.. HTML dan PHP saya zero.. so saya perlukan plug-ins untuk support saya. So out of question.

    Wordpress.. the best in my opinion. Google suka Wordpress.. so ranking agak mudah. Byk plug-in yg saya jumpa pagi tadi.. tgh main-main dgn plug-in2 tuh. Antaranya Link Cloaker yg automatically cloak link kita dgn prefix.. dan juga auto link. Paling bagus yg saya jumpa tadi adalah All-in-one SEO.

    So untuk main niche site saya akan guna Wordpress fully. Untuk test water saya akan guna Weebly. For now tiada budget untuk PPC maka PPC is out of question.

    Semalam saya langsung tak tahu apa-apa pasal Wordpress... menjelang 12:15 tgh hari ini.. saya dah boleh buat satu niche site yg sempurna tetapi agak cacat dari aspek SEO.

    Betul kata orang.. tak cuba tak tahu. Kena berani test things out ourselves.

    Sekian, Smile

    *Untuk first niche.. saya nak try main-main dgn Wealthy Affiliate and make money online niches. Ramai ckp susah nak penetrate. Saya berpendapat tak salah mencuba. Kita tgk apa akan terjadi dalam masa beberapa hari lagi. Samada gagal completely atau tidak adalah ditangan Allah S.W.T. Yg penting jgn putus asa.. kerap dan tekun berusaha kerana Allah S.W.T tidak suka pada mereka yg putus asa. Kalau berjaya.. maknanya ada rezeki. Kalau gagal.. bermakna Allah S.W.T sudah menentukan sesuatu yg lebih baik bagi kita.
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 123
    Registration date : 03/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 22 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ubuntu90 Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:29 pm


    ini aku paste drp file yg aku bg kat fox tu..
    aku buat ni last year, as tutorial kat member2 area51. errr... rasanya aku ada right la kut psl
    aku yg buat tutorial tu..

    How to Spin Article

    Postby ubuntu90 on Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:48 pm
    as above, aku nk share cmne nk spin artikel.. care yg aku wat la.. berdasarkan JV aku ngn mamat yahudi zaman dahulu kala.. tkde lah, aku dpt idea drp
    kaedah mathematics yg cekgu aku ckp dtg nyer dari org yahudi..


    secara ringkas nyer probability ni cmni, daripada abcd kite leyh tkr jadik ni..

    n blablabla..
    sape yg terer math, leyh kire bape bnyk leyh kuar kan variasi abcd yg berbeza.. aku lupe formula die.. lame tnggl sekola..

    care aku wat.. katakanlah aku ade 10 ayat dlm artikel nih..
    then split setiap 10 artikel nih.. jadikn 10 bhg dlm ms word.
    cth cmni...

    ayat 1: saya suke bile semua orang sayang saye kerana ia buat saya rase macam makan pizza.
    version 1 :
    version 2 :
    version 3 :

    ayat 2: tetapi say tak suke bile semua orang tak syg saya sbb ia buat saya rase mcm mkn donut basi..
    version 1:
    version 2:
    version 3:

    n so on..

    lepas da siap tuh, isi versi2 tu dgn ayat yg sinonim dgn nyer.. spin setiap ayat yg ade 10 tadi tu. cth la..
    katakanlah setiap ayat tadi korang ade 3 version jek..

    so, 10 kali 3 td, ade 30 variasi kn..? tp tk bermkne 30 artikel.. mungkin 300 artikel.. sape2 yg tau psl formula probability ni faham la kut..

    pakai teknik abcd tu time nk bentuk kn 1 artikel baru yg unik..
    then BANG! korang da leyh submit kat artikel directory dgn artikel yg unik.. tp make sure kn lah, density keywrd tu ade gak yek..

    fhm ke aku terang nih..?

    maybe ada yg tak faham lg. so aku provide sekali ngn cth aku buat.
    tp aku da tinggal niche ni, pasal tak sedap hati. aku stop sebelum finix stop. die pun ada buat niche ni.
    niche dating. jgn buat tau. ini sbg cth aje..

    Re: How to Spin Article

    Postby ubuntu90 on Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:25 pm
    ade member2 tanye, cmne aku spin artikel.. ni cara nyer.. errr.. rahsia besar ni.. sssshhhhhhh... hehe.. ni cth nyer. yg ade = tu version yg aku create la. pstu gabung2 la..

    Sacrifice and compromise are both critical parts in the give and take that goes hand in hand with any relationship.
    =Both compromise and sacrifice are needed to give and take in any relationship. Any relationship I mean.
    =The two elements of sacrifice and compromise are needed in a love relationship.|In a relationship, there are two aspect that anyone must concern. It's sacrifice and compromise.
    =The best aspect that we have to concern in a relationship are sacrifices and compromise in order to make our relationship keep it's happiness.
    =Two things that we have to really concern in a relationship to succeed is compromise and sacrifice.
    =We need sacrifice and compromise in our relationship if we really concern to achieve happiness.

    If you are asking "How can I KEYWORD?" then you are going to need to keep these things in mind.
    =Then if this question came up in your mind ; “How can I KEYWORD?"; you are needed to keep these things in mind. Sacrifice and compromise.
    =If in your mind, asking "How can I KEYWORD?", you are best to stress the two elements in your mind; sacrifice and compromise.
    =Wait, are you thinking of ; “How can I KEYWORD?"; if so, please remind of the important of sacrifice and compromise.
    =Please remember of this two thing.Sorry I have to remind you the importance of sacrifice and compromise because i believe you will keep thinking of this; “How can I KEYWORD?".

    Nothing is going to make mending a broken relationship simple, but some of the advice contained within this article can certainly make it a lot less difficult overall to give your love one a reason to want to come back to you.
    =The process of getting your lover is not easy but it's not a rocket science. This article will at least give you the overview of the reason why your lover should come back to you.
    =Yes you can get your love back, but it needs a learning curve of understanding on how to KEYWORD. This article will help you on speed up your process.
    =I understand of your desire to solve your problem quickly but you need to take action. Read this article as you will find the answer.
    =I believe you might be thinking it’s hard or impossible to get the person that you crave for after splitting, but then if you give it a chance, you might get that person back. It’s worth to try.
    =This article contains overview of tips on how you can get the answer of the question;“How can I KEYWORD?".

    So while you may be obsessing with the all important question, "how can I KEYWORD?", what you need to be focusing on is rectifying the causes of failure; that led to the breakup to eliminate the tension and stress that brought the split on in the first place.
    =Instead of keep thinking of "how can I KEYWORD?", you are better to think on what is the causes of the failure of your relationship; that brought both of you to break up. This is to throw away the tension and the stress that is inside of you.
    =You shouldn't focusing on the question, "how can I KEYWORD?". It's actually the step that you should take after the missing step that you forgot which is the importance of tracking the causes of your relationship failure. That will much keep yourself calm. After really knowing what the causes then you can ask again; "how can I KEYWORD?".
    =I know you keep thinking of question ; “How can I KEYWORD?" and something else related to it. Just think, is it really matter when you just doing thinking but not doing action. Action of solving you relationship problem. You need to take action. Find the issue that causes of failure of your relationship.
    =Stop obsessing with all those questions. Just take action. Don’t think. Just act. Think back of the causes that create all this problem.

    When a relationship fails, you need to take that as an indication that something went wrong.
    =When a relationship broke, you first need to think that as a reason of there is something missing in your relationship.
    =When a relationship turn down, be calm. You have to think in the positive way. Say this to yourself, "there must be something wrong or something missing in my relationship. I need to figure out and fix it".
    = When a relationship turn cold, just calm. You need to think in the positive way. It just there is something missing in your relationship. Look for it.

    If your lover left you, then it was likely for one of two reasons: Either the relationship was becoming stale because there was not enough of you in it, or the relationship was getting too claustrophobic because there was too much of you in it.
    =If your lover left you, it maybe due to two reasons; it might be of the relationship becoming cold because you have not give the best out of you, or the relationship was getting too saturated because you involve in it too much.
    =If your lover left you, there are 2 reasons why it happened. First, it might be you are the one who don't give attention to the relationship as you supposed to do, or the relationship was too saturated because you give a lot of pressure in it.
    = If your lover ask for a break up, there are only 2 reason you have to consider involve in that situation. First, it comes from you. You maybe didn’t give her attention as what she expected for. Second, you maybe too pushing her in this relationship.

    Either way, one of these causes is going to lead to relationship suicide. If you are asking "How can I KEYWORD ", then you need to start looking at which of these led to the break up so you can act accordingly.
    =Or else, the causes is going to dead end. Start to figure out of the causes and fix it if you think of "how can I KEYWORD?".
    =Or else, you can say TATA to your lover. If "how can I KEYWORD?" come across your mind, you better look up yourself which of the causes are really into your relationship and please do fix it for yourself.
    Whatever the issue is that chiefly contributed to the split, it was probably either something that you did, or something that you didn't do.
    =No matter what is the causes that make both of you separated,there are two reasons why it happened. First, it's because you did something wrong. Second, it's because you didn't do something. Think of it.
    =Whatever are the causes that make your relationship split, there are probably because you forgot to do 'something' or you forgot to avoid doing 'something'. It's only you that know about it most. Keep looking for it.
    It may be harsh to look at things this way, but that is simply how it usually works.
    =It might be hard for you to see through all this, but it just simple as that on how it works.
    =You might be thinking, these all are nonsense, but you can try just accept it. Then you can understand on how it usually works.

    The person who was broken up with either did, or did not do something and the person doing the splitting simply felt driven away.
    =Sometimes, it doesn't matter either the person was did, or didn't do something wrong but the broke up simply felt driven away.
    =Either the person didn't do or did something bad, sometimes both of it can simply make a person felt driven away.}
    So now what happens, and how can you manage to KEYWORD?
    =Now lets get back to the question, "how can I KEYWORD?".
    =Let's jump to your question again, "how can I KEYWORD?". How are you going to manage the situation and try to KEYWORD to your life.

    The first step is to change whatever it was that drove your lover away in the first place.
    =The very first thing to do is to make a change on everything that was making your lover away at the first place.
    =The things that you are going to do is, change anything that was drove your lover away at those days before.
    You need to sit down and really take a hard look at your situation.
    =You need to silent yourself. Give yourself a calm state and start thinking hardly and look at your situation.
    =You have to be calm. Take a deep breath and look at your situation.
    What could have led to the breakup? Which of these things were your fault, and which were not your fault?
    =What is the reasons that led to this breakup? Is it really your fault?? Or it might be due to your lover mistakes?
    =What is the things that brought both of you into this split? Which of them were your mistakes, and which were not your mistakes?

    Rule out the ones that were out of your control, since they continue to be out of your control, and focus on the things that you did do wrong, the ones that you can in fact change.
    =List down the things that was not in your management and the things that was in your management. Then stress on the things that you made mistakes, try to fix it up. Try to change it.
    =Make a list. Divide into the things that were in your control and the things that were totally out of your control.
    If your biggest problem is something that you were responsible for and that you could change, then there is a very good chance that you can still get back together, as long as you really are willing to make the necessary changes to appeal your loved one again.
    =If you found that the real problem is something about your mistakes then you have to hardly try to solve it, change it if you could. Well, you are going to have a big chance to KEYWORD yet you have to work on that changes.
    =If you think that all those split,the separated issue, all those things just happened because of one simple mistake, come on, change and be responsible of what you did. Then you are going to have a bigger chance to answer the question of how can I <a href="http://</a>.
    When you can start focusing on the things you can change then the question of <a href="http://">"how can I KEYWORD "</a> will no longer be a question. You will know.
    =Now, actually you can put away the question of <a href="http://">"how can I KEYWORD?"</a> because it's no longer be the question. You already have the answer.
    =At this state, you are going to be happy because you don't have to think about <a href="http://">"how can I KEYWORD?"</a>. Why? It's because you got the answer already.

    You can find more powerful and proven techniques that you can say this to yourself KEYWORD is easy. The techniques are safe and cost-effective. <a href="http://">Click here</a> to learn more about the techniques to win your ex wife back right now.
    =Still feeling miserable? Your heart still sick? Still asking that question? <a href="http://">Check out this link</a> to kick out all those hurt feelings inside you.
    =Need proven techniques? Need someone to take your hand and teach you how to solve your problem? Well, if so, <a href="http:/">don't click here</a>.
    =Still thinking that question? You are absolutely weird and freak. You are suppose to be alright by now. Ok, <a href="http://">let's kick out</a> that question from your head now <a href="http://">here</a>.

    Last edited by ubuntu90 on Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:13 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fox srh edit)

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