Pejuang Syahid wrote:Assalamualaikum tuan...
Possible tak kalau saya nak buat at least $50,000 by this October? Boleh guide sikit tak?
*Kenal saya tak??
121 --- 121 ??
X kenal.. tapi ko nearby.. kalau nearby kenapa x datang face to face jer... byk bleh explain.
Waalaikumussalam Warrahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh kepada saudara juga...
Boleh.. x de masalah.
That's how I got my RX-8 in the first place.
Here's how... nature Blasting adalah test market as wide spread as possible.
USD 50,000 boleh dicapai dalam sebulan sahaja... kalau guna Level 2 Max Bid CPC...
atau mungkin sebulan setengah dengan Level 1 Max Bid CPC.
Obviously not Level 3... sebab itu akan buat fund yang Joker supply pada ko
habis cepat (itu apa yg aku bc dalam page sebelum ni... well.. ko accept kan?).
Go through everything as cautious as possible.
Ko mesti baru lagi... obviously ko x de authority sites network.
This is how I did it before... sbb waktu itu aku pun x de authority sites network
Direct to Merchant all the way!!We have friends that are making USD 5,000 direct linking all the way.
Tapi mesti cautious jugak.
Bila Blasting... dan aku rasa Kai Kiske mesti ada story kat ko jugak kan.. pembinaan
landing pages from scratch are strictly forbidden. Sbb Blasting is all about speed.
So LP hanya came into as important variables apabila:
1) Ko dah ada domain name dan network site yg ko leh guna dan buat LP ride the waves
of your site. Shud take no more than 5 minutes.
2) Expansion settings... bila dah jumpa winning campaign.
So note pertama...
**Direct-to-Merchant All the Way!!**Second... one url rule!
Itu akan kacau direct to merchant... so.. the best is AVOID CLICKBANK LIKE A PLAGUE.
Semua Tom, Dick and Harry tgh gila dgn Clickbank. Afterall... those that do direct
linking hanyalah mereka yg newbie.
Clickbank penuh newbie... so literally direct linking dgn mana-mana product within Clickbank
mmg x jalan. Personal experience.
Nak bypass menatang ni... ko promote other network and merchant.
In-house network pun banyak. So you are on the winning side actually kalau ko opt
untuk tinggalkan Clickbank.
So... second note...
**Avoid Clickbank Like a Plague!!**Blasting biasa adalah one blasts per week.
Ko buat 3 sehari. Boleh x??
Masa Kai nak dapat Ferrari dia (skang di Singapore kan??)... itulah yang dia buat.
We call this Extreme Blasting Session.
Ko kena buat at least 100 Blast sebulan. Aku x rasa this is something hard for you though..
So.. third note..
**Extreme Blasting Session - 3 Blasts Per Day**Kalau ko perasan... info-product (clickbank products) semua guna approach Direct-Response.
Tapi majoriti merchant untuk physical products guna method biasa saja.
Kadangkala x de headline pon.
Becoz... info-products... despite their high commission.. are harder to sell.
So... avoid info-products as well. Promote membership and physical products.
So... fourth note..
**Physical Products All the Way!!**Dari 100 Blasts tuh... with each blast containing 15 ad group (which could very well mean 15 niche..
depends pada ko... and if that's the case... ko akan ada dlm 100 x 15 = 1500 niche by the end of this
1500 maximum niche... confirm ko ada 100 winner.
100 ni dah cukup buat majoriti penduduk Malaysia senyum berdasarkan conversion
dollar to ringgit sekarang. Boleh amik Gen.2 cash sebijik.
But 350Z or RX-8 by the end of this month susah (sbb ko kejar deadline kan??
Ironically... deadline tu aku yg suggest... maaflah kalau ko terasa susah dgn
deadline ni..
sekadar menguji kesungguhan..)
Let me tell you...
Mass Control 2.0 is not a good option to go with expansion.
Sbb Mass Control 2.0 nak implement pon ambil sebulan setengah.
Apa best bet ko??
Pick about 5 winners.. identify broad market / category dan build
authority sites.
Expand guna method fishing with Xtreme Conversions or Affiliate Prophet.
Ko akan jumpa dua winner:
-Unproven Winner (those with one sale or a few within those 300 clicks)
-Proven Winner (those in profit or at least 100% ROI)
What now??
If possible... target only proven winner. Build network of authority site
around those proven winner.
Re-start campaign dgn YSM and MSN AdCenter... this time with landing page networks.
Jgn buat educated guess about keyword apa yg convert and not... buat fishing.
Let them customers tell you what they type when they wanna buy.
Simple sahaja... sbb tu Kai tak nangis pun masa recent slapping... sbb networking
LP dia besar... dan follow the right rules.
Kalau ko bina authority sites / LP networks ko based on Blasters method... Google x
kan slap ko walau sekalipun. Sbb unlike most other LP... Blasters LP are real..
kita x sesuka hati bina impression pada Google bahawa kita bina site 'sebenar'...
sebaliknya kita mmg tgh bina satu site yg betul dan sebenar.
No reason for Google to slap.
And... for now avoid raw HTML... choose either Joomla! or Wordpress.
**Build Quick Authority Sites for 5 Proven Winners**Last but not least...
Akan ada ckp impossible pada ko. Sbb ko newbie lah.. sbb semua veteren marketers dah memenuhi
niche2 yg wujudlah.
THis is all BS!!!
Jgn dengar... sbb aku x dengar bebudak cam tu cakap la dulu aku dapat pakai RX-8 walopon aku
mmg newbie habis... satu sale pon x earn lagi.
So... final word...
**Consistency is King!!**X faham PM. No more here.
Nak kasi ko nombor phone aku.. joker amik..
so ko PM jer la.
Phone btol aku... x leh kasi ko. Personal principle
Semoga berjaya... see you on the other side of success.