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45 posters

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
    Registration date : 03/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:52 am

    oo cmtu ke..ptt ler xleh nk download..rapidshare nie mmg xsharing aa..huhuhu..

    bro2 aku nk tanya dari ari tue lg xberkesempatan sbb aku segan nk pm2 ko..lgpon ko dah ckp ko rimas nk jwb2 org tanya..Embarassed

    psl niche, ko guna blogspot@weebly ke bt free method pakai domain ngan hosting gak?

    aku nie mmg tgh kakes nk buat yg berbyr nie..bkn xnk mmg maggi je yg aku mampu skrg... pale

    aku tanya ko sbb aku rs ko sorg jek yg aku tahu bt free method leh berjaya..

    ok tue jek..kan nyampah plak ko, aku tanya byk2..keke
    Dominant Star
    Dominant Star
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 26
    Registration date : 13/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by Dominant Star Thu Oct 29, 2009 5:37 pm

    pe daa engko ni bro... takut sgt.. free method jer pon.. ko bukan lose money sgt.. domain bru $10 per year. hosting $29 per month...

    pe kata.. ko amik risk.

    setup semua untuk satu niche secara amat serius..kemudian main dengan serius guna email marketing.

    semua niche bleh wat duit as long as ko tahu background psychology behind each people inside that niche.

    tu jer kunci nyer.. yg tu yg membawa kepada email marketing.

    once email marketing dah setup... ko contact 'enemy-enemy' ko dlm niche ko.. propose JV ngan diorang. ko tolong promote produk diorang... diorang kasi ko email-email diorang.

    disini la gunanya 4 days cash machine dlm Mass Control 2.0 tuh. pakai kat situ.

    try wat dulu... spend masa research sampai seminggu.. pastu setup seminggu... buat mass control 2.0 nyer four days cash machine pon seminggu... minggu ke-4 ko launch.

    kalau ko x dapat buat 4 figures hujung bulan 12 ko kasi tau kat sini balik.. aku sendiri usya tgk kn.

    kalau ko ada commission blueprint 2.0...gie layan module 6 ngan 8...agak stylo di situ.. module 6 pasal SEO.. module 8 psl social networking...

    klu x de.. jgn beli. abis duit jer... stick ngan pe yg ada.

    dh.. gi wat keje.. mesti asyik main dota ni..wat IM plak..

    oh ya.. sesapa tau mana mau cari Dr. Slump nyer manga t0rrent?? Aku mau... klu ada as thanks aku share something else kat sini.
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 123
    Registration date : 03/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by ubuntu90 Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:17 pm

    ~Strip Cake~ wrote:oo cmtu ke..ptt ler xleh nk download..rapidshare nie mmg xsharing aa..huhuhu..

    bro2 aku nk tanya dari ari tue lg xberkesempatan sbb aku segan nk pm2 ko..lgpon ko dah ckp ko rimas nk jwb2 org tanya..Embarassed

    psl niche, ko guna blogspot@weebly ke bt free method pakai domain ngan hosting gak?

    aku nie mmg tgh kakes nk buat yg berbyr nie..bkn xnk mmg maggi je yg aku mampu skrg... pale

    aku tanya ko sbb aku rs ko sorg jek yg aku tahu bt free method leh berjaya..

    ok tue jek..kan nyampah plak ko, aku tanya byk2..keke

    lor. apa tk sharing nyea lak..? ok la tu ada. dpt gak ko dnload.
    btw, aku da dnload putera baru yg ko kasi kt atas tu. tp cmne nk view ek post2 dlm tu? aku tgk byk jpg ngn gif format je. cmne eak..?

    berkenaan soalan ko tu..
    aku ada pakai blogspot, ada pakai weebly, ada pakai quizilla, ada pakai tumblr, ada pakai mcm2 la.
    tp aku lebih kpd squidoo. since squidoo dpt satu mcm 2 reserve spot dlm 1st page satu2 keyword. tp tak sume keyword. tgk pada competitor ko yg lain dlm 1st page tu. site yg lain2 tu sekadar utk kasi backlink jea.

    itu kalau nk free la.

    nk berbayar pulak, aku pakai wordpress. simple site jea.
    nape brbyr? sbb aku nk take full advantage kt domain name. aku tak buat authority site. tp aku attack kat satu keyword, fokus pada satu2 keyword tu. so aku amek keyword aku, dan tgk ada tak domain name yg available.

    klu tkde .com, amek la .org. last choice baru amek .net. selain drp tu, jgn sentuh.
    baru smlm aku beli .org dlm harga $7.67 je.. per year. hosting lak, aku amek yg tgh2 punya package.
    dlm $5.60 jer monthly.

    dua2 domain n hosting aku ambil service godaddy. ada kupon la utk kasi murah sikit.

    OYH20H - 20% off hosting
    cjc749fat - $7.49 .COMs (exp 10/31/09)

    aku ambil kat site ni. boleh usha2 kalau nk tgk yg lain2.

    aku dpt email drp free traffic system, ada 1 offer free hosting. dan juga ada kaitan dgn building list n email marketing mcm yg bro DS ckp tu. aku tk smpat nk tgk lg. cuba ko tgk2,

    then masuk sini blk, citer sama kami okeh.

    just in case kalau nk tau cmne aku analyze 1st page adalah melalui tool traffic travis. tgk kat bhg seo analysis.
    free je bndalah ni.

    dan aku akan check kat site2 dlm 1st page tu gak manually. tu jea biasa aku wat.

    onsite, main2 ngn LSI keyword gak. refer adword google tool nyer site. related keyword tu adalah LSI keyword la.

    offpage lak? aku rasa da byk aku citer sblm2 ni. erm.. aku jmpe 1 bnde. kasi ko tgk. murah2 pn murah. trial la yg murah, yg totally subscription adalah $67 monthly. tp ok kut ko try seminggu tu..

    ni die,

    cuma, sblm setup site tu, keyword mmg kena pilih betul2. sbb tu kena analyze 1st page nyer competition.
    aku tkde guideline sgt. pengalaman yg mengajar aku cmne nk tentukan samaada kywrd tu patut aku pilih atau tak.

    cuma maybe ko tgk kat 1st page tu, ada byk site2 yg pr rendah2, ada article site, ada forum, ada yahoo answer, ada wiki answer. biasa kalau ada bnde2 ni, mmg keyword tu ko boleh tembus.

    bila dah tembus, ko dpt la trafik. err.. lupa lak, jgn lupa amek keyword yg ada trafik ok.
    bila da dpt trafik, then nk tgk ade cnversion ke tkde lak.

    yg ni depend pada ko punya content. preselling biasa aku buat dlm bentuk cerita.
    cuba cerita mcm bnda ko cerita kat kwn2 ko. cerita bnda yg betul la.
    yg pro, yg cons. baik buruk cita je. buruk pn ko better cerita.

    nnti org lg percaya. tugas2 menjual tu, biasa aku serah kat merchant jea.


    Ds, ini aku ada jumpa beberapa. cuba ko tgk2. aku tk biasa menorrent. tk pasti ini kea tmpat2 dnload t0rrent.

    ok tak nie..???
    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
    Registration date : 03/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:42 pm


    @ bro Ubuntu

    psl page tue,dlm folder tue image..yg dkt luar tue br page dia..ko tekan jek terus leh bukak..jdk mcm off pagela..

    jgn delete folder tue..nanti seme ilang..1 folder tue mewakili 1 kalu rs nk delete jgk..delete image jela..jgn delete scripting dia tue..huhuhu..aku main save as web page..tue jdk cmtu..

    psl rapidshare aku rs xbest sbb free user dia slow sgt2..sbb tue aku upload file dkt mediafire..cpt skit kalau download dgn IDM..

    tq byk2 sbb sharing ilmu ko..nanti aku tgk link2 yg ko kasi tue..

    @ bro DS

    bkn takut.. tp mmg kakes xberduit skrg nie..byg r intener kt bilik hostel aku yg berjumlah rm30 sbln nie pon dah kena potong ari tue psl xde duit..kalu ada aku mmg aku laburkan jek.

    thanks jgk sbb sudi lg sharing ilmu kat sini..nanti aku try bt ape ko ckp tue

    p/s: pada bro2 len dimanakah korg menyepikan diri? forum AM pon suram sini pon suram jgk..ish3
    Dominant Star
    Dominant Star
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 26
    Registration date : 13/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by Dominant Star Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:33 am

    Terima Kacih cik tuan puan datuk ubuntu90....

    ::GOLDEN NUGGET #1::

    Specific ntuk tuan..

    Lebih kurang sebulan lepas.. aku mencuba main-main dengan satu niche baru nih.

    Aku sesuka jer try and error method Alex Edevane secara main-main..
    and then aku combine dengan Mass Control 2.0 juga secara serius sambil melawak.

    Nak tau result??

    Aku ada enuff cash ntuk angkat sebijik Lexus RX 350.. mmg btul2 dari dua method tu jer within only one and a half month time frame. Dari zero tu bro. And that is what I'm gonna do now.. ditch the Z for the RX 350.

    Ko x nak cuba???

    Bukan main-main dah ni.. mmg method dia power dasat punya. Sbb Alex Edevane nyer method tu capable ntuk kumpul list email cukup banyak dalam masa yg terlampau-lampau singkat (dua tiga hari jer.. bleh mencanak sampai 5000+ email kalau ko buat serius).

    Second golden nugget nanti dulu.. aku lapa.. nak gie mam jap.

    Last edited by Dominant Star on Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:00 am; edited 1 time in total
    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
    Registration date : 03/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:22 pm

    salam.. tol tgk bro ds dgn kekayaan nk bt cmne aku blm sampai tahap tue lg..

    anyways aku nk tanya, niche yg aku nk bt nie dah ada enzinearticle.

    kalu aku bt jgk keyword dia bt tue+"how" ke,"can" ke,blh beat x article asal nie?

    aku keliru skit2..(ke byk?)
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 123
    Registration date : 03/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by ubuntu90 Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:49 pm

    Dominant Star wrote:Terima Kacih cik tuan puan datuk ubuntu90....

    ::GOLDEN NUGGET #1::

    Specific ntuk tuan..

    Lebih kurang sebulan lepas.. aku mencuba main-main dengan satu niche baru nih.

    Aku sesuka jer try and error method Alex Edevane secara main-main..
    and then aku combine dengan Mass Control 2.0 juga secara serius sambil melawak.

    Nak tau result??

    Aku ada enuff cash ntuk angkat sebijik Lexus RX 350.. mmg btul2 dari dua method tu jer within only one and a half month time frame. Dari zero tu bro. And that is what I'm gonna do now.. ditch the Z for the RX 350.

    Ko x nak cuba???

    Bukan main-main dah ni.. mmg method dia power dasat punya. Sbb Alex Edevane nyer method tu capable ntuk kumpul list email cukup banyak dalam masa yg terlampau-lampau singkat (dua tiga hari jer.. bleh mencanak sampai 5000+ email kalau ko buat serius).

    Second golden nugget nanti dulu.. aku lapa.. nak gie mam jap.

    waaa.. serius smbil melawak? hihi..
    aku tk sentuh pn lg alex nyer molb tu. bdk2 area ada bnde tu. tk pasti pulak kalau ada yg da implement.
    kutip list pakai molb, promote pakai mass control 2.0. erm.. 45 hari.. super cool gak..

    xnk cuba? ada dlm waiting list aku.
    apa 2nd nugget tu..?

    ds apa bnde ko nk kasi aku dlm hdd tu? hdd yg aku passing kt ko dulu tu ke?
    dpt tgk tak dr slump tu..?

    strip, ko main blogspot ke apa ni? ezine gak ke..?
    bg aku, ezine adalah penunjuk ukur utk aku outrank keyword tu, kalau ez tu ada dlm 1st page la.
    biasa boleh lepas.

    kalau ko nk pakai site lain, try squidoo.
    nk tnya psl squidoo, ko tanya cokodork. aku ada share2 ngn dia dulu.

    btw, aku tk dpt bukak lg la file ko kasi tu. ajar aku cmne bro. tk dpt bukak pon thread tu. jadi gambar2 je.

    Last edited by ubuntu90 on Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
    Registration date : 03/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:02 pm

    main 2,2 bro..nanti aku nk split testing(btl ke istilah aku guna nie?)..nk tgk mane satu yg ok..article seme dah ada..tggu nk submit byk2 je..

    squidoo aku pandai gak guna..bro cokodork dh lama xnmpak..dah jadi cikgu kot?

    p/s:aku benci btl dgn enzine..lama gle nk approve article..ish3
    Dominant Star
    Dominant Star
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 26
    Registration date : 13/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by Dominant Star Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:03 am

    ubuntu90 wrote:
    waaa.. serius smbil melawak? hihi..
    aku tk sentuh pn lg alex nyer molb tu. bdk2 area ada bnde tu. tk pasti pulak kalau ada yg da implement.
    kutip list pakai molb, promote pakai mass control 2.0. erm.. 45 hari.. super cool gak..

    xnk cuba? ada dlm waiting list aku.
    apa 2nd nugget tu..?

    ds apa bnde ko nk kasi aku dlm hdd tu? hdd yg aku passing kt ko dulu tu ke?
    dpt tgk tak dr slump tu..?

    SuperFastResults set of video dan Commission Blueprint 2.0 (module related dgn SEO and free method).
    But the thing is... aku really tak sure nak antar now or later. Pasal magnolia sound aku... kalau aku antar sama
    mcm aku share dgn korang.. x bagus dari aspek islam.

    Aku fikir alternative later..

    ::GOLDEN NUGGET #2::

    The best method to make money online sebenarnya adalah melalui providing service.
    And... the fastest method to make money online pula adalah melalui consultation.

    We go through best method today.

    Providing service nih ada byk. Contoh yg hangat adalah:
    -Website Development
    -AdWords Management
    -Squidoo, Google Knolls or Blogs Development
    -Setting up Survey and Sell the Results later
    -Auto-Responder setup
    -and the best of the best of the best in the universe!! COPYWRITING!!

    Antara semua ni... yang paling mewah setakat ini ada tiga iaitu:
    -Website Development (Starting from $50 to $500 all the way to $25,000 per site)
    -AdWords Management ($1000 - $100,000 per AdWords account)
    -Copywriting ($100 - $25,000 per copy)

    Kalau korang ada kepakaran dalam ketiga-tiga aspek ini.. buat ini lebih baik dari mencuba nasib dalam perniagaan internet.

    Website developers mmg ramai... tapi berapa ramai yg ada ilmu pasal SEO macam kita semua?? Hanya kita yang boleh offer untuk buat sebuah website yg SEO-ed optimize untuk client. Matlamat client adalah ntuk dapat exposure dan sales!! So... jual konsep 'conquering the first page means more customers and sales' kepada mereka.

    This is the hot button here!

    AdWords management yg stand-out setakat ini hanya Creative Digital Media aka CDM. Tapi competition sgt stiff dlm bidang nih. Pesal?? Sbb semua kanak-kanak riang ribena baru lompat masuk IM sumer nak wat PPC. Nak belajar PPC. Nak be the best in PPC. Most of the time kanak-kanak riang ribena ni tumpas di tengah jalan (like 75% of the old reader of this thread... dh tumpas ramai dah..) tapi ada gak yg fokus dan berjaya. This are our competition.

    Basically... ko cari real-world client... ko set-up AdWords account ntuk diorang... and do some weekly routine checking. Gaya hidup mewah punya. Di Pahang ada sorang mamat muda bawak Skyline. Dia buat AdWords management la. But to conquer this aspect... due to the competition.. you really has to be the best with outstanding portfolio. Aku x suka kerja susah.. so this ain't my cup of tea. Kalau nasib baik... dapat cekup company dgn revenue juta-juta... ko boleh cekau sampai $100,000 per AdWords account company tu. Tapi most of the time cuma $500 ke $10,000 jer. Depend pada customer gak. You can't expect a newbie customer to pay up to $5,000 without any guarantee that they'll make sales right?

    The third the god of all income streams dalam bidang service providing. COPYWRITING!!

    Copywriting skills are the skills that make the whole Internet Marketing world goes around. PPC are powerless without copywriting. But copywriting can power even the most rubbish PPC campaigns!!

    Nampak x??

    Kalau ada skill yg korang nak master sungguh2... copywriting is the one. Ingat kata-kata Saidina Ali r.a, "Mata pena itu lebih tajam daripada pedang." (maaf kalau salah... tapi aku yakin bunyi nya lebih kurang mcm tu).

    Korang boleh bid pada keyword paling broad di muka Bumi ni... dn kalau copywriting skill korang pehh... x kan ada masalah untuk generate sales langsung.

    Per newbie copy (standard Clickbank affiliate review or pre-sell) korang boleh dapat dalam $50 ke $1000.
    Untuk standard sales letter copy (for merchant Clickbank and other product) korang boleh dapat dalam $500 ke $50,000.

    Untuk company besar.. kalau diorang ada keperluan.. it isn't hard to choke them for all its worth.. at least $50,000!!

    Sebab tu orang mcm Alan Forrest Smith x de business sgt pun dalam IM.. his ball game is only copywriting!
    Mass Control 2.0 cuba untuk override and beat copywriting with relationship building. But nothing beats a pure copywriting skills.

    Crown pakai Ferrari F430 dia sbb copywriting (x cash.. hutang jer... RM 14,000 sebulan kalau x salah.. tapi still F430 kan?? Lagipun kalau business dia drop dia ada daddy ntuk tolong). And for everyone's information.. dia sekarang dah tak buat dah pun niche marketing. Dia set-up company dia sendiri... dengan adik dia.. buat SEO consultation dgn copywriting.

    Satu lagi yg best pasal copywriting adalah ko x pikir pape pasal marketing gimmick or risau duit x masuk. Cari client... dia bayar separuh.. ko wat copy sampai siap... dia bayar full.. ko pass copy tu kat dia. Stylo x??

    Means... kalau ko letak pricing about $1000 for one copy... ko akan dapat $500 even before ko buat apa-apa pun lagi! And another $500 lepas ko siapkan copy tuh.

    Ad copy is the same.. only much cheaper... but still rulez!

    So.. in a nutshell... COPYWRITING RULEZZ!!!!

    That's all for today folks and ubuntu90... see you guys soon.


    P.S: BTW... aku planning untuk membeli sesuatu bernama:

    John Carlton's Simple Writing System priced at $797 one time payment atau 5 times payment of $189. Just to let you guys know... kalau ada yg berminat boleh share buying ngan aku. Semenjak Phoenix beli Mass Control 2.0 dulu... aku belajar sesuatu yg baru. Membeli beramai-ramai adalah lebih baik dan kos efisyen daripada membeli sorang2... so kalau sesapa nak join sekaki.. just lemme know. Yelah.. kalau 7 orang join.. price dah jadi $113 jer. Translate kepada ringgit... dlm RM 400 ntuk one of the most comprehensive in-house copywriting course. X pun jadi $27 per month selama 5 bulan!!! $27 per month. Murah tu (kalau dapat 7 orang la).

    Aku kasi 5 hari. Kalau within 5 hari x de sesapa nak then aku akan proceed membeli sendiri.

    Just lemme know kalau nak..PM boleh... post cini pon boleh.

    PP.S: Yg atas tu bukan aff. link. And jgn salah faham anggap aku sesaje nk criter pasal sumer berkenaan copywriting sbb nk entice reader forum ni baca and then beli skali ngn aku. Just nk share opportunity jer.

    PPP.S: Most readers sini dah sure tahu yg aku juga aktif di Lowyat sekarang bermain dan bermesra-mesra bersama Viper Vibe (walaupun pada awalnya niat dihati nak pangkah dia... tapi last-last sian kat mutt tuh.. so aku support skali la walaupun aku tahu back story apa jadi kat situ sebenarnya). Jgn memandai nak pm aku ke apa ke keciwa itu ini. I dictate my own life.. not you. Kerana ramai emo la Phoenix, CS ngn Magnolia x post sini dah. Sib baik x de PM emo masuk inbox aku.. tidak aku jadi lagi emo (ke ada?? Aku pn x ingat sbb aku dh delete sumer inbox aku mlm tadi... anyway emo makes the world go round as well ya know??). So careful dear friend..

    Lapa balik... gie mam nasi lemak lauk ikan keli jap...
    And tenkiu kepada ubuntu sbb dr. slump tuh... nanti nugget ketiga kita sembang mende lain plak.
    Benda-benda philosophical tapi kalau ko follow insya'allah ko akan generate duit. at this point aku dh muak post pasal step-by-step protocal procedure menatang gila tu sumer. kita akan byk sembang pasal falsampah plak pas ni.
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 17
    Registration date : 06/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by asalipo Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:13 am

    hi guys long time no see hehehe

    kalau still need pdf dari forum putera
    yang lama, mention la kat sini nanti
    aku try upload balik. aku still simpan

    thanks for sharing the good stuff
    as always. Looking forward for the
    new golden nuggets

    actually im doing good now, buleh la
    berpuas hati jugak dgn pendapatan sekarang
    solely from niche marketing ni. thanks to you all
    So sekarang aku tengah macam nak develope
    niche baru. Aku terasa macam nak merge
    satu niche hot dengan satu niche hot lain
    jadi satu niche baru. Rasa-rasa buleh menjadi tak?
    For sure korang akan cakap
    tak try mana nak tahu kan, tapi
    just tanya kalau kalau korang
    pernah try eksperimen benda mcm ni

    So for this i need somebody
    to develope content. Nak mintak
    recommendation korang utk ghost writer etc
    outsourcing skill aku tak bagus lagi.
    kalau korang ada pakai freelancers/ghoswriter
    yang trustworthy and writing skill
    pun bagus recommend la kat aku. jgn la kasik
    website tapi kasik la nickname/personal contact
    utk orang tu.


    p/s: funny video on marketing
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 123
    Registration date : 03/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by ubuntu90 Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:12 am

    DS aku tk bercadang nk jump ke dlm bidang tu lg.

    super fast result mcm best je. aku usha site dia, tutup da. erm..
    citer psl apa tu..

    dpt tgk ke dr slump tu?

    sorie post pendek. ada final exam. kacau bilau da otak..

    Number of posts : 410
    Registration date : 02/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by kamikase30 Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:32 am


    Kalau Rm400.00 aku minat.. haha.. Murah Sangat tu.. Very Happy


    Ko stdn lagi ke???? aku ingat ko 100% IM..

    Last edited by kamikase30 on Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:00 am; edited 1 time in total
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 123
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    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by ubuntu90 Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:26 am

    berenti belajar? nk kena marah ngn mak ke? aku budak lg. umur 20 pn tak jejak lg.

    masuk blk sini. ada bnde nk kasi.

    You know the thing about all of these programs is this... Yep... they can help and yep they may have good strategies and tactics we would benefit from. However, what is the goal? And how many goals can any one of us take on?

    I had a goal last year Nov. to quit my offline job. I tried one program that focused on Adsense and Affiliate programs. However, there was no clear understanding on how to promote affiliate programs. Then Mark's program was recommended and it was exactly what I needed.

    In the meantime... programs continue to be announced, software is constantly changing and there are new ways to make money being tossed in our face every week. And if we have multiple subscriptions, we are getting hammered everyday for the same programs.

    They first give us a peek and that is the hook. Because it is NOT that these programs are bad, don't work, or not worthy of the price they stick on them. THAT is NOT the issue.

    Think of it this way. Let's say you have to drive from point A to point B. There are 10 ways to get there. In fact every path will get you to your destination. However, what would happen if you started on one path, then took a quick turn to try another path because someone said it was warmer, faster, smelled better? The more you keep looking at a different route, the more you get lost. The next thing you know you are so lost you don't even remember where your destination is.

    When I found Affiloblueprint I stumbled a bit because of several really great program offers. Thankfully I came to my senses and realized I was already on a good path to success. If you don't want to use Affiloblueprint, then whatever it is you DO use, USE IT! Take action.

    I do not have ANY subscriptions anymore. I get a few tips from this forum on whats out there and somehow still seem to stumble on things that are offered, but... I don't fall for it anymore. I don't watch the freebie videos, I don't listen to the wonderful tune of just pay a buck today and then a week or 30 days from now IF you like it, join. No. I don't do that because I already know I'll like it. These guys are PROS! They don't mess around, they know how to hook us fast with their "excellent" programs. So, notice I'm not saying they are not good. I am saying they ARE good and that is the problem.

    So, pick your path, and follow that path to your final destination. Affiloblueprint works. It is the FIRST program that has EVER worked for me. EVER and I've been trying for oh hmm... almost 10 years!

    It's hard work. It takes time. It requires consistency. It requires action. Oh and I did quit my offline job. My first site replacced my offline income 4 months later. YIPEE Smile Now someone else is paying me to do SEO for them and I'm building more sites with the same AB blueprint. I have learned a few more things from experience since then and that is another good point. Sticking to ONE strategy helps you LEARN far more than trying a bunch of things and never knowing which one is really working for you.

    Okay, um... dass all I gots to say. Razz

    Now go get to it!
    Dominant Star
    Dominant Star
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 26
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    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by Dominant Star Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:58 am


    Satu daripada cara paling laju nak earn duit di internet ni... adalah melalui consultation.

    Ini adalah method yg cukup stylo ntuk earn duit. Sbb... ini satu-satunya business model yg boleh generate duit hanya melalui cadangan.. idea.. dan

    sedikit tulisan. Dan juga satu-satunya business model di muka Bumi Allah S.W.T ini yg aku tau... yg korang akan dapat duit full dulu.. baru dapat


    Pehh x??

    Ada banyak consultation boleh dilaksanakan melalui internet:

    -PPC consulation (how to choose keyword etc..)
    -BUM Marketing / Blogging consultation
    -Business consultation (how to start from zero to hero!!)
    and many more.

    This ain't hard to do really. You just need to be really good at what you want to advertise yourself as.

    Kiranya... kalo korang nk jadi PPC consultant.. byk kn baca buku2 berkaitan PPC.
    Kalau nak pandai copywriting... belajar copywriting gila-gila.

    Tinggalkan terus niche marketing... sbb sumtimes (actually most of the time) consultation mmg lebih lumayan daripada niche.

    Aku ada kenal sorang mmt ni.. budak lagi. Cuba google nama dia.. Kyle Tully. Dia punya main revenue dari internet sumer dtg daripada consultation


    Mcm Andre Chaperon ckp... "If you wanna do something... do it in the most brutal ways." Meaning... kalau nk wat consultation.. be brutal.. leave everything else behind. Focus on this one.

    Consultation... cukup-cukup lucrative sbb??

    Industry niche marketing and affiliate sekarang ini tgh mengalami kejutan..sort of like 'baby boomers' situation di masa lampau. Every single Tom, Dick and Harry's uncle cousin father mother grandma grandpa are jumping like a bungee into niche marketing and affiliate. Dramatic rise of competition!!

    This already make niche marketing industry far less effisyen for most newbies and newcomers. A lot of people wanted into the same pie. While the pie appears to be unlimited (there's enough pie to everyone) but the door to the shop giving out the pie is small that only a handful can get in at some time.

    Consultation dan service provider adalah business model yg benefit A LOT from this current situation.

    Most people.. mcm ko dulu-dulu... menghadapi masalah confusion dan overload. These are the hot buttons to use. Explain mcm mana consultation akan membantu menenangkan diorang melalui pengalaman korang.


    ubuntu90 wrote:salam..
    DS aku tk bercadang nk jump ke dlm bidang tu lg.

    super fast result mcm best je. aku usha site dia, tutup da. erm..
    citer psl apa tu..

    dpt tgk ke dr slump tu?

    sorie post pendek. ada final exam. kacau bilau da otak..

    X suruh ko jump... cuma belajar sbb copywriting ni key success kepada perniagaan kita.
    Sejauh mana kawalan kita dalam copywriting... which subsequently effect mindset customer kita.. sejauh tu la kita dapat control ROI kita. Matlamat kita masih sama... end result is still MORE SALES and SALES!!

    Apa yg menarik aku nk sgt beli John Carlton Simple Writing System ni sebenarnya bukan sahaja dia punya copywriting skill yg aku nak belaja. Aku nak something else... a bonus. James Schramko punya Business Internet Formula.

    Knowing this dude... kalau dia buat high-priced program... selalunya program dia bukan sampah. Even ebook el-cheapo dari dia ntuk management PPC pun dah cukup memuaskan hati... belum course $4000 yg ni lagi.

    Dia bagi course $4000 ni sebagai bonus ntuk sesapa yg beli Simple Writing System dari link dia.

    Then aku figure... bebudak Putera majoriti dah melepasi tahap 'information overload'. At this stage korang nak lompat kepada berapa byk method sekaligus pun boleh asal saja tahu kemampuan diri. Sbb kalau lama sgt stuck tak progress-progress pn susah gak. Nanti hilang edge sementara competitors masing-masing has gotten their own extreme edge in this industry.

    Ada lagi dua sebab,
    Satu.. aku nk cuba tolong seberapa banyak bebudak sini sebenarnya. Kalau ramai beli... produk ini akan jadi produk mampu milik oleh even budak lepasan SPM yg bergantung harap pada duit keluarga sekali pun. Kalau dia study plak copywriting... dgn keadaan takde fund nak mula IM... dia akan start dgn copywriting dulu (dah tu satu jer yg dia belajar). Kita sebagai veteren pun ada seorang kawan yg berpotensi besar nak jadi a very good copywriters. In-house kita sendiri. Lepas tu produk ni high-ticket. Bukan main-main... kalau sesaja ada sesapa nak beli dari sini mmg kena cekau RM 3000 la. Boleh lepas satu sistem baru PC yg high-powered tu. Tapi kalau kita buat camnie... peluang terbuka kepada semua... kalau dapat lebih dari 10 ke 15 orang beli?? Mmg ramai dapat benefit pada much cheaper price while at the same time produk tu stays halal untuk di consume bersama.

    Kedua.. aku puas hati teramat dengan service rizuwan dan ko ubuntu90 masa Mass Control 2.0 tuh. Memang sempurna korang buat... since Simple Copywriting System ni sumer dlm form physical... naturally aku lebih suka kalau ada yg sanggup rip into PC format daripada masuk DVD seketul2. Dan aku tak suka outsource benda yg aku beli kepada third party... lebih baik fellow friends daripada entah budak mana tolong rip kan.

    Tapi kalau korang x nak x pe la. Kalau by 10 November x de sesapa interested aku cekau bebudak circle aku sendiri. Kat Lowyat aku x kan bukak offer beli beramai-ramai camnie. Only sini atau circle aku sendiri (tapi aku hilang edge aku kalau geng-geng lain ada course yg sama mcm aku...huhuhu3...pasal tu aku dtg sini dulu)

    Pasal SFR tu... menatang tu private membership site. Bebudak biasa mmg x de akses kat situ. Kena bayar $97 per month kalau nak join... and only via invitation. But sometimes James bukak juga keahlian bila ahli ada yg quit dua tiga orang. But first come first serve la.

    kamikase30 wrote:@Ds

    Kalau Rm400.00 aku minat.. haha.. Murah Sangat tu.. Very Happy

    Benda bagus... x kan nak jual RM 400.
    Simple Copywriting System tuh asal usulnya 3 days course kot. Priced $2000 x salah aku. Bila jadi home course dia reduced jadi $787. Aku rasa tak susah nak tengok value dia... sbb tu aku cuba nak buat course jadi reachable untuk semua lapisan masyarakat IM.
    Dominant Star
    Dominant Star
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 26
    Registration date : 13/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by Dominant Star Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:03 am


    Aku dpt satu PM dari kawan yg lama yg interested. So dah ada satu...

    So aku dah calculate... harga one time payment $797... tukar Malaysia jadi RM2724.52.
    Kalau dapat 10 orang... dia jadi RM272.40 seorang.
    Kalau dapat 7 orang... dia jadi RM389.00 seorang.

    Itu kalau ikut harga one time payment.

    Kalau ikut harga 5 time payment $189 sebulan... tukar Malaysia jadi RM646.00.
    Kalau dapat 10 orang... dia jadi RM64.60 seorang selama 5 bulan.
    Kalau dapat 7 orang... jadi RM92.00 seorang selama 5 bulan.

    Pada aku ini cukup-cukup affordable dan totally no brainer ntuk satu produk high ticket mcm ni. What say you guys??
    But if x dapat sambutan... selepas 10 November aku just proceed jer terus membeli sendiri.

    Aku x kan mention dah psl menatang ni... enuff takat sini. Anything juz lemme know.. post here atau PM aku.
    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
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    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:36 pm

    Dominant Star wrote:

    Kalau ikut harga 5 time payment $189 sebulan... tukar Malaysia jadi RM646.00.
    Kalau dapat 10 orang... dia jadi RM64.60 seorang selama 5 bulan.
    Kalau dapat 7 orang... jadi RM92.00 seorang selama 5 bulan.

    kalau byr bln2 cmnie(kalau ramai yg beli la)aku mampu kot dgn pow duit awek2s aku Evil or Very Mad ...bende nie dia ajr cara2 bt copywriting step by step kn?

    tp aku xde kad2 credit+debit nie..kalau bank in reti la aku..

    pas beli cmne kita nk share?mende nie dlm cd kan? pakai post ke? ke pakai uplod dlm tenet pastu downlod sorg2?
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 123
    Registration date : 03/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by ubuntu90 Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:19 pm

    Erm.. Bonus tu menarik perhatian aku.
    Mcm ni lah.. Aku cuba dptkan org lagi. Then tgk mcmana sambutan.

    Strip, tlg tanya kat budak2 forum yurckk tu.

    So far dah ada berapa org?

    2.unknown person yg pm DS

    rasanya bdk2 AM tu minat la kalau byr bulan2 yg murah2 tu. RM60 sebulan rasanya tk jd masalah buat dorg.

    strip, cari lg 3 org atau ckupkn smpi 10 org tu ke. rasanya jgn ramai2 sgt kut. max smpi 12 ckup lah. mcm MC2.0 dlu lah.

    psl sharing2 tu, aku cuba setelkan. mcm MC 2.0 tu, first blast, wan yg burn kn. 2nd blast, aku lak uruskan.
    boleh la aku buat rasanya. insyaallah.. aku buat, then aku passing kt setiap org. kalau ramai join, include aku sekali.

    superfastresult video2 dia tu content pasal apa ds? cb 2.0 mmg bkn major aku. bdk2 area lain adalah. ada yg dah ada rasanya..

    Last edited by ubuntu90 on Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 19
    Registration date : 26/07/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by DarkWunan Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:47 pm

    ubuntu90 wrote:Erm.. Bonus tu menarik perhatian aku.
    Mcm ni lah.. Aku cuba dptkan org lagi. Then tgk mcmana sambutan.

    Strip, tlg tanya kat budak2 forum yurckk tu.

    So far dah ada berapa org?

    2.unknown person yg pm DS

    rasanya bdk2 AM tu minat la kalau byr bulan2 yg murah2 tu. RM60 sebulan rasanya tk jd masalah buat dorg.

    strip, cari lg 3 org atau ckupkn smpi 10 org tu ke. rasanya jgn ramai2 sgt kut. max smpi 12 ckup lah. mcm MC2.0 dlu lah.

    psl sharing2 tu, aku cuba setelkan. mcm MC 2.0 tu, first blast, wan yg burn kn. 2nd blast, aku lak uruskan.
    boleh la aku buat rasanya. insyaallah.. aku buat, then aku passing kt setiap org. kalau ramai join, include aku sekali.

    superfastresult video2 dia tu content pasal apa ds? ppc 2.0 mmg bkn major aku. bdk2 area lain adalah. ada yg dah ada rasanya..



    aku nak join skali kalau rege dalam rm 60 sebulan..kalu lebih kena pikir2 dulu..masalah kewangan skarang nie..
    mcm menarik bonus james schramko tue..

    To DS,

    Dah malas post kat lowyat ker ? i'm abit bz this two weeks...dari pg smp malam..sok anak keluar wad..baru lega sket..

    weekend ni nak start buat wordpress site for my blasting winner...a clickbank product..

    baru nak berguru sket2...jgnlah malu segan2 nak post yer..hehe
    Dominant Star
    Dominant Star
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 26
    Registration date : 13/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by Dominant Star Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:59 pm

    ubuntu90 wrote:Erm.. Bonus tu menarik perhatian aku.
    Mcm ni lah.. Aku cuba dptkan org lagi. Then tgk mcmana sambutan.

    Strip, tlg tanya kat budak2 forum yurckk tu.

    So far dah ada berapa org?

    2.unknown person yg pm DS

    rasanya bdk2 AM tu minat la kalau byr bulan2 yg murah2 tu. RM60 sebulan rasanya tk jd masalah buat dorg.

    strip, cari lg 3 org atau ckupkn smpi 10 org tu ke. rasanya jgn ramai2 sgt kut. max smpi 12 ckup lah. mcm MC2.0 dlu lah.

    psl sharing2 tu, aku cuba setelkan. mcm MC 2.0 tu, first blast, wan yg burn kn. 2nd blast, aku lak uruskan.
    boleh la aku buat rasanya. insyaallah.. aku buat, then aku passing kt setiap org. kalau ramai join, include aku sekali.

    superfastresult video2 dia tu content pasal apa ds? cb 2.0 mmg bkn major aku. bdk2 area lain adalah. ada yg dah ada rasanya..

    So far ada ni:

    1. Dominant Star
    2. nezict
    3. kamikase30 (kalau dia mau.. konfirmkan)
    4. stripcake
    5. mrsbay
    6. DarkWunan

    Cuba dapatkan 10 atau 12... but aku x mau lebih dari 12. Stop pada 12... sbb kalau tak nanti jadi saturated ilmu tuh. Saturated means less value and I don't enjoy having something off less value then it supposed to be.

    Thanks for the help ubuntu90. ko mmg best..

    DarkWunan wrote:


    aku nak join skali kalau rege dalam rm 60 sebulan..kalu lebih kena pikir2 dulu..masalah kewangan skarang nie..
    mcm menarik bonus james schramko tue..

    To DS,

    Dah malas post kat lowyat ker ? i'm abit bz this two weeks...dari pg smp malam..sok anak keluar wad..baru lega sket..

    weekend ni nak start buat wordpress site for my blasting winner...a clickbank product..

    baru nak berguru sket2...jgnlah malu segan2 nak post yer..hehe

    Aku ni ada kat lowyat tu kengkadang jer... ada mood aku post la ctu. kalo ko nk info or bantuan... post la cni... atau cari matt levenhagen terus. Very Happy

    Last edited by Dominant Star on Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 123
    Registration date : 03/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by ubuntu90 Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:50 pm

    errr... cmne ko tau tu aku..?Shocked Shocked

    mrsbay? aik. kak, lama tk masuk area. silent reader je ke?
    kamikase confirm kut. sbb rm400 pn dia willing nk byr.

    yea,12 plg byk.

    erm.. oh yea, ko nk aku anta sekali seminar mass control tu kea? pasal time aku anta hdd kt ko tu, lepas aku
    anta tu, baru frank upload kat secret site tu.

    kalau nk, aku include sekali la..
    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
    Registration date : 03/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:24 pm


    lg 6 org eh?

    sat lg aku bukak thread dkt AM tgk sape2 yg berminat..kalu ada aku suh diaorg inform trus kt sini

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    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by kapas Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:40 pm

    eh.. mase si pidikacipkrew n cokodork?? bukan dorang ni pun peminat ke??

    aku rase, cube korang kontek,
    1: cokodork
    2: pidikacipkrew
    3: **cancel.. aku dh tny, dia xmau
    4: syco dh quit pulak..
    5: aku sendiri.. keke

    aku klu mahai sgt ni, bukan ape.. aku ni tgh sengkek ni.. kwn pinjam duit rm3k ari tu.. so, xde modal dh.. huhu.. tggu duit ebay masuk dlu.. paypal plak wat hal.

    nnt aku rojer ko balik DS yea..
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

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    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by yurckk Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:23 pm

    Aku berminat, tapi aku ade few of sources aku still xbc lg sebab sibuk ngn campaign.. Sad
    Sume elok je dok dlm kotak tu.. xberusik pn.. tgk la nanti papehal aku inform..

    Number of posts : 410
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    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2)

    Post by kamikase30 Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:42 pm

    Dominant Star wrote:kamikase30 (kalau dia mau.. konfirmkan)

    Aku on.. Idea beli same-same ni best gak.. lol!
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 19
    Registration date : 27/10/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing (2) - Page 8 Empty salam to all my bros

    Post by mutt Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:38 pm

    salam dan selamat berkenalan.

    aku adalah seorang bakal pejuang berani mati dalam IM.


    btw, aku dok shah alam. sape2 sini orang shah alam?


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