by ayoi Fri Sep 11, 2009 4:26 am
huh guna ramai ke... tak menarik kalau guna ad hoc... sebab windows 7 tak banyak function utk ICS ( internet connection sharing )
sebab w7 ngan os lain kebawah wep ngan no security je leh support. wep pun mungkin ada problem sket.
dan ad hoc takleh jauh sangat cepat putus.
bila dah putus takleh masuk semula kecuali host disconnect internet dan ad hoc kena connect semula.
termasuk log off restart hibernate..sleep terputus dan etc.
beli je wireless router ..rm 120 ke bawah... toton sket sorang.. kalau nak guna internet.
modem tu 3g ke DSL or modem dial up 56k ?
1. Open up Network and Sharing Center, and click Manage Network Connections
2. Right click on your Local Area Connection and select Properties. Click Sharing tab.
3. Tick "Allow other computers..."
4. Click OK
5. Create an Ad-Hoc connection (Wifi) and the connected users should be able to use the internet.
If the above doesn't help, try bridging both LAN and Wireless adapter in Manage Network Connections.