pc sy x leh masuk wndow lgsg...
nk msk je di kuar disk boot failure...please press any key to continue (LEBIH KURG LE BUNYINYER CM 2)hehehe
sy syak h.disk kong sy da test kt pc len ..ok je ble masuk..kabel pn sy da cek..ok je ble da try mask cmos..mmg die x detect h.disk 2..(lp nk bgtau..h.disk tu sata)
adkh brpnce dr port sata kt mobo 2 yg rosk..?klu port rosk kn tkr mobo la kn..?maslhnyeport ide tuk cdrom pn xle pki gak..lngsung x detect kt cmos...
so pe pndpt bro sume tntg maslh sy ni...rs2 nye kn tukr mobo kn..?huhuhuh
pc sy x leh masuk wndow lgsg...
nk msk je di kuar disk boot failure...please press any key to continue (LEBIH KURG LE BUNYINYER CM 2)hehehe
sy syak h.disk kong sy da test kt pc len ..ok je ble masuk..kabel pn sy da cek..ok je ble da try mask cmos..mmg die x detect h.disk 2..(lp nk bgtau..h.disk tu sata)
adkh brpnce dr port sata kt mobo 2 yg rosk..?klu port rosk kn tkr mobo la kn..?maslhnyeport ide tuk cdrom pn xle pki gak..lngsung x detect kt cmos...
so pe pndpt bro sume tntg maslh sy ni...rs2 nye kn tukr mobo kn..?huhuhuh