Presenting... *drumroll*... niche of the day: Sennheiser Audiophile Headphones.
Bermasalah nak understand niche2 korang?? Then baca nih...
masalah bersepah2 dgn bebudak buat niche marketing research adalah inability untuk understand dua perkara (usually):
1) Tak faham bahawa customer diorang ada individual mind. Diorang assume people are the same.. as such diorang buat research diorang dlm
form yang assume bahawa suara majoriti.
A dan B berbeza.. sorang nak kurangkan berat badan.. sorang lagi nak nampak segak. Both are customers of Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Now tell me..
adakah sama dua orang ni dalam motivational driver diorang and kehendak serta keinginan mereka?? Understand this then you'll do great in
market research.
2) Tak reti nak cater pada kehendak individuals. Most niche marketers cater pada kehendak dan keinginan majoriti. Orang nak main Forex pasal
apa?? Nak kaya la kan?? Maka semua pun pakat letak headline about becoming rich.
Niche means smaller piece of market. Cater pada kehendak yg kecil. Cater pada individuals.. and forget the big money for awhile.
Big money will come later.
Nak buat market research ni ada banyak methodology.. daripada method convensional yang Kylie and Carsonie ajar... sampaila kepada method2
pelik2 yang ganjil2 mcm Identity research and psychology background study.
All about doing research!
Ini satu daripada idea untuk korang. Service provider adalah satu aspek paling menguntungkan dalam dunia internet sekarang. Why?? Sbb every
single Tom, Dick and Harry and all their grandma, grandpa and pet are doing niche marketing. Hoping to make millions.
Diorang ni either:
1) Pemalas nak mampus.
2) Tak reti.
3) Reti tapi bacul.
This is where service provider comes in as a sole niche of its own. Tolong mereka2 yang ada 3 masalah ni selesaikan masalah mereka. Jual
service yang membantu mereka.
Satu daripada service best adalah Market Research!! Tolong research market for these 3 fella.. mintak upah $100 per niche.
Best x??
So how to make market research.
Aku share a couple pointers
Korang jangan aim pada suara majoriti.. instead aim pada suara individual. Perhati apa each individuals perkatakan. Ini sebab dalam WA
forum for a niche is a must!! Sbb mudah nak buat research in the near future.
But x semestinya perlukan forum. Kengkadang x de forum pon boleh. Misal kata korang nak jual peralatan kereta sport jepun (ni pun lucrative
tapi jarang orang buat). Forum ada?? ada mmg banyak kan?? Tapi apa alternatif lain selain forums??
Banyak guys... one of the best adalah majalah kereta. Look out for interviews.. tgk produk apa orang suka pakai dekat bawah review mod kereta
tuh. Usya2 iklan tgk apa yg selalu diiklankan. Kalau iklan yg sama kuar lebih 3 kali in 3 different volume / issues.. means diorang profitable.
That's how we measure.
Selain majalah or forum? Cari group. Grouping kat internet.. Yahoo! Group ke apa ke. Baca jer and get a feel.
ultimately korang akan cuba cari thread yang ada a bit of perkongsian story ke. Maybe mcm success story of This Works!!
Study emosi, emotional drive and aspirasi setiap poster dalam forum etc tuh.
Jom kita buat sedikit study...
Usya thread ni..Phoenyx's Final 10 Journey
Korang baca thread tu dari mula sampai habis. Mampat dengan maklumat worth every single gold in the universe.
Dia ada emosi driver... dia ada aspirasi.. keinginan.. sebab.. semua tu boleh jadi 100s of HOT BUTTONS dalam sales letter korang.
This kind of research especially works super ultimate mega well for emotional / problem solving type of niche.
Asalkan ada tempat makhluk Allah SWT berkumpul.. there's a niche and loads of information to collect.
Sbb apa?? Sbb manusia x kan sesuka hati berkumpul mcm tu jer. There's got to be a reason for everything. Kengkadang hobi yg sama..kengkadang
problem yang sama.
Tgk for example... semua kaki IT save some non-IT user. But the majority??
OK.. what to do kalau x de perkumpulan orang atau forum mmg kosong. Mcm aku cakap.. kalau forum kosong or x wujud.. cari group.. kalau x wujud group
untuk niche korang?? Itu maknanya niche korang tuh loser jer. Dump and pergi ke niche lain.
But before doing that.. cuba cari general forum. Mcm tgk subsection2 yg related dgn niche korang.. ada x? Wujud x? Mcm di ada
gak Health section. Ada Beauty section.
Kalau x wujud then buang jer niche tuh. X de value..
2nd.. individual mind set study aka Persona studies and research (sesapa pandai yg ni.. kalau buat MLM konfirm kaya raya.. camner aku tau??
Huhu2.. jgn tanya ).
Apa yg kita nak tahu adalah apa yg bermain difikiran setiap orang yg taip keyword2 dalam search queries di Google tuh.
So apa nak buat??
Study forum macam biasa.. but rekodkan apa2 personaliti yg korang nampak.
Benda ni.. incidently.. dah disentuh secara touch n' go oleh Andre Chaperon dlm buku dia Affiliate Bully... so aku malas nak sentuh lebih lanjut.
Andre dah buat explanation dlm setengah page jer. Method ni sesapa yg ada Mass Control 2.0.. sepatutnya ada gak video 2 jam Frank Kern tunjuk
tentang someone named 'Bob' who wants to be a rock star but end up as a banker instead..
But cni ada video sikit perihal how to do this:
3rd.. Hot Buttons research lompat belakang style.
Nak kaji hot buttons plak. Jom guys.
Kalau nak quote uncle Travis yang jadi famous tiba2 lepas dia coined terms BUM Marketing untuk article marketing yg dah pun exist agak lama tuh..
hot buttons ni adalah "The art of reading between the lines".
And to be honest.. the best course / tutorial pernah aku jumpa utk understand reading between the lines nih.. adalah Mass Control. Well.. that's how
I got good at it. Mass Control 2.0 expand a bit further more so sesapa yg ada Mass Control 2.0 and dah complete course tuh a couple time should be
quite good at this as well (Travis pun belaja dari MC gak.. huhu2).
let's get going then.
Kita amik satu niche.
Acne. Infamous.. very lucrative yet very competitive as well.. silap haribulan kucing jiran anda pon buat niche ni gak.
Kita tengok..orang nak clear kan acne. Naper?? Kenapa nak clear kan acne??
-Study satu dialog yg aku dapat real-time nih:
"Wk..banyak nyer jerawat kat muka saya ni wk..malunya dengan kwn2..nampak hodoh ke?? camner nak gie kerja nanti?? eyy malunya" (kata-kata seseorang
di belakang aku sewaktu tgh di shopping complex).
"Dulu x de acne.. nampak comel. Skang dah ada.. kang laki lari kat pompuan lain kang.. eyy... takut.. camner ni??"
Nak tgk hot buttons nih.. kita carik dulu main theme apa yg orang nak achieve dlm some niche tuh. Misal kata.. make money.. cure acne.. gain weight..
cure osteoporosis.. buy Iphone.
And then.. kita jump a step back.. tgk apa yg diorang dapat kalau diorang ada apa yg diorang nak.
In other words..
-Kalau banyak duit.. apa dia dapat?
-Kalau x de acne.. apa dapat?
-Kalau berat bertambah.. apa dapat?
-Kalau ada Iphone.. apa dapat?
Itulah study of hot buttons.
Jom kita usya..
1) Forex
--Make money
--->So I can quit my day job.
2) Ready Made Niche (service provider section)
--Save time
--->Doesn't have to think about trivial matters.
But this gets even more interesting... jump a bit backwards.. tgk apa kita dapat. Misal kata.. kalau dah quit day job.. apa dapat?
1) Forex
--Make money
--->So I can quit my day job.
------>Spend more time doing what I want!!
2) Ready Made Niche (service provider section)
--Save time
--->Doesn't have to think about trivial matters.
------>Relax and make money on auto pilot with other combined services!!
3) Iphone 3GS
--Own the best phone.
--->Show off to other people.
------>Gain respect from other people / get noticed.. looks cool with Iphone3GS.
4) Weight Loss
--Reduce Weight Fast
--->look good in front of others
------>Get my life back!! I used to be sooooo thin!!
--->Wedding is coming soon
------>Everyone will look at me!! My husband will be happy!!
Principlenya... jump backwards jer. But jangan jump jauh sgt.. karang x relevan plak susah nanti.
So aku sebut pasal niche of the day.. bagus punya niche.
Sennheiser HD 650 audiophile headphones!!
Ini satu niche yg mmg niche.. sbb bukan semua orang audiophile. Yet at the same time audhiophile ni.. walopon ckit mmg gila2 punya orang. PcWork from punya audiophile setup dengar cerita cecah Rm15,000 ke atas.
Ermm... penat plak. Malas dah.. aku nk rehat jap.. nanti aku sambung lah..