hohoho aku yg bawak cerita psl drh ye? hehhe aku pun berdarah b hehehe... ah.. aku letak lg...
In Malay it is known as buah kedondong. It is known as Ambla in Penang.
Amla fruit, often referred to as Indian gooseberry, is one of the richest
known sources of vitamin C it contains 30 times the amount found in
oranges making it useful for treating throat and respiratory tract
It is regarded as sacred by Indian and Tibetan healers who believe it has
special anti-ageing and immune enhancing properties. Traditionally,
healers have used the dried fruit to help overcome a wide range of
problems like indigestion, fever, liver problems and anaemia.
Not only is amla fruit revered by Ayurvedic (ancient Indian)
practitioners, extensive research is revealing that it is beneficial in
preventing and treating many conditions including stress, hay fever,
arthritis, cataracts, and even cancer.
Amla is proving a useful tool in the fight against cancer
Chinese researchers have discovered that amla fruit is a rich source of
therapeutic chemicals, including quercetin (which is also found in
apples), gallic and ellagic acids (found in green tea), and other less
well-known ones such as chebulinic acid, chebulagic acid, corilagin, and
isostrictiniin (Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2003 Oct;28(10):940-3).
All of these chemicals are powerful antioxidants, which help protect you
from harmful free radicals that can increase the risk of a wide range of
serious diseases including cancer.