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~Strip Cake~
aNdy SpectrE
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Mis Angle
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Pejuang Syahid
Crimson Star
pidi kacipcrew
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Kai Kiske
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66 posters

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 36
    Registration date : 14/04/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by champerer Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:05 am


    Pidi, if berminat nk JV, pm je aku. Aku xkisah pn newbie ke ape. Kite buat same2.
    If ade sesape berminat lagi, kasitau je. Mulenye aku bajet JV kene ade dlm 5 org tapi
    kamikase kate 2 pn boleh so, kite start je if xde org minat. Ok?

    And sape2 yg bum, aku nasihatkan korg stay with bum method first. Jgn sbb ade yg
    post pasal PPC then korg nk buat PPC jgk. Kasi stable sume dlu then baru start PPC
    if berminat. Dapatkan modal dlu if nk start PPC.

    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
    Registration date : 03/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:13 am

    champerer wrote:Salam,

    Pidi, if berminat nk JV, pm je aku. Aku xkisah pn newbie ke ape. Kite buat same2.
    If ade sesape berminat lagi, kasitau je. Mulenye aku bajet JV kene ade dlm 5 org tapi
    kamikase kate 2 pn boleh so, kite start je if xde org minat. Ok?

    And sape2 yg bum, aku nasihatkan korg stay with bum method first. Jgn sbb ade yg
    post pasal PPC then korg nk buat PPC jgk. Kasi stable sume dlu then baru start PPC
    if berminat. Dapatkan modal dlu if nk start PPC.


    aku pon minat jgk bro skrg aku xde ms sgt..lam sebln lebih lg baru aku ada masa 100%..
    lg 1 aku rs aku xde top skill pon dlm mane2 step yg penting..nk bt blog fail,nk bt artikel blhla,tp xunique sgt..cmne nk JV kalu setakat jdk beban kat org lain kan??

    lgpon jauh beza skill korg dgn skill aku nie..aku rs aku dah tgk landing page ko bro champerer..mmg langit dgn bumi aa dgn page bodoh aku bt nie...

    aku skrg nie pon tgh berperang dgn ketiadaan trafic ke niche aku bt..sedih wooo...huhuhu

    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 78
    Registration date : 19/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by PinguSpy Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:15 am

    mana king nih adoi....
    dia dah tgk LP secret aku tidakkkkk!!
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 36
    Registration date : 14/04/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by champerer Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:45 am


    Strip cake. If ko MINAT, pm je aku. If ade yg xtau, nanti aku try ajar yg termampu.
    Aku pn bkn terer sgt. Asalkan same2 buat keje dan xde org goyang kaki je. Aku
    skang ni pn tgh nk exm jugak. Tapi aku akan try dapatkan beberapa jam sehari utk JV tu
    nanti (kalau korg jadi la).

    By the way, aku rase xpernah reveal aku pnye LP dlm forum putra ni except to ashid yg
    ajar aku pasal cookies aritu (thanks again bro). Maybe ko tersalah org kot. Hahaha.

    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 78
    Registration date : 19/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by PinguSpy Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:51 am

    takpe pengajaran...
    maybe lps nih kalau org buat short text..
    pastu senyap..toksah layan ..

    biar jek..
    anda bole create LP thp pangkat dewa sekali pun..

    tp kalau traffic or yg duduk top 1# RANK.. even LP tuh bodo..
    tetap LP tuh number one!

    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
    Registration date : 03/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:02 am

    champerer wrote:Salam,

    Strip cake. If ko MINAT, pm je aku. If ade yg xtau, nanti aku try ajar yg termampu.
    Aku pn bkn terer sgt. Asalkan same2 buat keje dan xde org goyang kaki je. Aku
    skang ni pn tgh nk exm jugak. Tapi aku akan try dapatkan beberapa jam sehari utk JV tu
    nanti (kalau korg jadi la).

    By the way, aku rase xpernah reveal aku pnye LP dlm forum putra ni except to ashid yg
    ajar aku pasal cookies aritu (thanks again bro). Maybe ko tersalah org kot. Hahaha.



    aku minat bro champerer tp bt ms skrg xleh lgk..aku xleh fokus sbb byk sgt kije skrg+final..

    uiks bkn LP ko eh? psl ari tue aku ada research penyakit buntut,hemordia,hemorher ape ntah lupa dah..aku jumpa nama ko lam tue bro..champerer..aku ingat tue ko..huhuhu


    btl2, trafic mmg ssh gle nk dpt...1 visitor/5 day...mmg menyedihkan gle2..huhuhuh

    pidi kacipcrew
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 94
    Registration date : 12/06/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by pidi kacipcrew Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:07 am

    harap2 kalo jv ni jalan.. ak lebih bersmgt.. hehe.. 5 bucks a day Razz
    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
    Registration date : 03/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:12 am

    pidi kacipcrew wrote:harap2 kalo jv ni jalan.. ak lebih bersmgt.. hehe.. 5 bucks a day Razz

    lek bro pidi..hehehe..jgn berangan psl duit dulu..berangan duduk 1st rank kat 1st page dulu..tue yg plg ssh nk bt tue...xde trafic=xde visitor , xde visitors=xde bye-bye 5 bucks..kekekeke
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 78
    Registration date : 19/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by PinguSpy Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:17 am

    ~Strip Cake~ wrote:
    champerer wrote:Salam,

    Strip cake. If ko MINAT, pm je aku. If ade yg xtau, nanti aku try ajar yg termampu.
    Aku pn bkn terer sgt. Asalkan same2 buat keje dan xde org goyang kaki je. Aku
    skang ni pn tgh nk exm jugak. Tapi aku akan try dapatkan beberapa jam sehari utk JV tu
    nanti (kalau korg jadi la).

    By the way, aku rase xpernah reveal aku pnye LP dlm forum putra ni except to ashid yg
    ajar aku pasal cookies aritu (thanks again bro). Maybe ko tersalah org kot. Hahaha.



    aku minat bro champerer tp bt ms skrg xleh lgk..aku xleh fokus sbb byk sgt kije skrg+final..

    uiks bkn LP ko eh? psl ari tue aku ada research penyakit buntut,hemordia,hemorher ape ntah lupa dah..aku jumpa nama ko lam tue bro..champerer..aku ingat tue ko..huhuhu


    btl2, trafic mmg ssh gle nk dpt...1 visitor/5 day...mmg menyedihkan gle2..huhuhuh

    aku kalau around 100 peday amik masa 2 minggu bole wat..
    nak seribu perday?? bole buat tp makan masa 1 ~ 2 bulan gak ah..

    tp aku nk duit masuk pun pantas hehe..
    kalau main PPC aku x berapa tere..
    takut lebih rugi daripada untung....

    tp dah encik king kata die ade teknik p0wer so nk gk taw..
    yg aku taw die kasi taw aku "speed SEO"???
    bole stikcy untuk keyword yg power untuk jangka masa yg lame
    sound good uh?

    mende tuh??

    papepun jorney aku still lg mencari teknik p0wer untuk dpt traffic kaw2..
    dengan "secret"..

    sebab key untuk berjaya dlm dunia IM nih 1 = traffic..
    bab sale letter pekejadanye tuh 1 hari jek bole setel hehe
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 36
    Registration date : 14/04/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by champerer Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:20 am

    @ strip cake
    Ok, xpe bro.

    @ pidi
    japgi aku reply pm ko

    @ pinguspy
    sangat2 best kalau dpt buat cm ko tu yg 100 perday tu. Looking forward for mine. hehe.
    all the best.

    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
    Registration date : 03/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:38 am

    aa bro pinguspy, ajor ler skt cmne caranya nk dpt 100/days tue..kami sgt memerlukan mentor lam free method nie..huhuhu..aku nya 1/5days tue...jauh bezanya..huhuhuh

    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 78
    Registration date : 19/05/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by PinguSpy Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:40 am

    aku mls nk terangkan bayak2 type etc..
    maybe just dapatkan product yg agak howt aku kt sini..
    hehe malah esok aku nk tambah UPDATE pasal linkjuice hehe
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 1
    Registration date : 11/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by inspirasi Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:28 am

    The best method for affiliate marketing business is ppc marketing and landing page. Very Happy
    pidi kacipcrew
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 94
    Registration date : 12/06/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by pidi kacipcrew Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:46 am

    ~Strip Cake~ wrote:
    pidi kacipcrew wrote:harap2 kalo jv ni jalan.. ak lebih bersmgt.. hehe.. 5 bucks a day Razz

    lek bro pidi..hehehe..jgn berangan psl duit dulu..berangan duduk 1st rank kat 1st page dulu..tue yg plg ssh nk bt tue...xde trafic=xde visitor , xde visitors=xde bye-bye 5 bucks..kekekeke

    ops.. sori, ak bukan nk ckp psl duit sbnrnye.. kalo jv ni jalan.. ak xbuat keje mcm ak buat sorg2.. mindset beb.. ni ade tanggungjawab.. rasa besar siket tanggungjawab tu dari buat sorg2
    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
    Registration date : 03/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:08 am

    pidi kacipcrew wrote:
    ~Strip Cake~ wrote:
    pidi kacipcrew wrote:harap2 kalo jv ni jalan.. ak lebih bersmgt.. hehe.. 5 bucks a day Razz

    lek bro pidi..hehehe..jgn berangan psl duit dulu..berangan duduk 1st rank kat 1st page dulu..tue yg plg ssh nk bt tue...xde trafic=xde visitor , xde visitors=xde bye-bye 5 bucks..kekekeke

    ops.. sori, ak bukan nk ckp psl duit sbnrnye.. kalo jv ni jalan.. ak xbuat keje mcm ak buat sorg2.. mindset beb.. ni ade tanggungjawab.. rasa besar siket tanggungjawab tu dari buat sorg2

    aa..ape ko ckp mmg btl 100%..sbb tue aku rs xleh pikul lg tggjwb tue bt ms skrg..sbb mmg bz gle lgk..lg sebln lebih blh kot..huhuhu..ape2 pon smoga kita seme maju jaya..huhuh

    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Gender : Male Number of posts : 132
    Location : Bergiat aktif ketika malam!
    Job/hobbies : Layan bola especially EPL!
    Registration date : 18/06/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by silentfox Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:46 am

    terasa mcm byk new id muncul lak...
    n terasa mcm ada unsur2 duplicate id...
    tp terasa jer la...haha!

    owh yer...
    ada gak yer budak putera nih on9 dr indo...
    worldwide btol...hehe!

    skrg dah masuk jv erk...
    korang nih cokodork n pidi...
    idea jv nih dah lama ubuntu timbulkan dlm grup skype kita tuh...

    dia siap dah bagi penerngan pasal cmne nak jalankan jv beserta tools yg dia leh offer...
    tp agak terlambat skrg sbb si ubuntu tuh dah membuntu ke mana aku x!

    tp mana dia pegi erk??
    rindu lak aku kat dia...
    slalunya dia la yg kuat memangkah idea2 degil aku...haha!

    tp jv nih mmg aku nmpk bagus gila...
    tgk si bintang2 n si mamat yg duk sebut sri petaling (yg perhimpunan kat n9 baru nih ko pegi x? lol) tuh n jugak geng2 diorg yg kbykan kpla gila2 smua...walaupun dah advanced but they still have discussion i think...

    the idea n pengumpulan ilmu tuh penting bab kata diorg la...
    cuma bezanya nak ke x jer...
    aku buat masa skrg xnak campur lg jv nih...
    pasal connection tmpt aku nih ada problem...
    kena tggu pulih 100% baru aku leh bg komitmen...
    stakat skrg mmg aku kena works secra terhad n pantas la...

    @strip cake...
    muka ko cam jambu jer...
    ko org ganu!
    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
    Registration date : 03/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:59 am

    silentfox wrote:terasa mcm byk new id muncul lak...
    n terasa mcm ada unsur2 duplicate id...
    tp terasa jer la...haha!

    owh yer...
    ada gak yer budak putera nih on9 dr indo...
    worldwide btol...hehe!

    skrg dah masuk jv erk...
    korang nih cokodork n pidi...
    idea jv nih dah lama ubuntu timbulkan dlm grup skype kita tuh...

    dia siap dah bagi penerngan pasal cmne nak jalankan jv beserta tools yg dia leh offer...
    tp agak terlambat skrg sbb si ubuntu tuh dah membuntu ke mana aku x!

    tp mana dia pegi erk??
    rindu lak aku kat dia...
    slalunya dia la yg kuat memangkah idea2 degil aku...haha!

    tp jv nih mmg aku nmpk bagus gila...
    tgk si bintang2 n si mamat yg duk sebut sri petaling (yg perhimpunan kat n9 baru nih ko pegi x? lol) tuh n jugak geng2 diorg yg kbykan kpla gila2 smua...walaupun dah advanced but they still have discussion i think...

    the idea n pengumpulan ilmu tuh penting bab kata diorg la...
    cuma bezanya nak ke x jer...
    aku buat masa skrg xnak campur lg jv nih...
    pasal connection tmpt aku nih ada problem...
    kena tggu pulih 100% baru aku leh bg komitmen...
    stakat skrg mmg aku kena works secra terhad n pantas la...

    @strip cake...
    muka ko cam jambu jer...
    ko org ganu!

    ades...tue bkn muka aku la..muka aku violent..huhuhu..nie muka Rinda-man dlm cite jepon crow zero(best gle cite nie oo)aku minat dia aku ltk aa muka dia.kekeke

    aku nie separuh kelantan,terengganu,pahang...aku lahir kelantan dok sana 9thn,pindah dok ganu 13 thn,dkt sempadan pahang(ari2 msk pahang) pantai timur aku cmpur sme aa...

    ermm..mane yer encik kingz nie..dah ilang plak beliau..ingat beliau nk kasi tips2 yg best selain melemahkan semangat xkasi la plak..ish3..

    Number of posts : 410
    Registration date : 02/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by kamikase30 Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:46 am

    inspirasi wrote:The best method for affiliate marketing business is ppc marketing and landing page. Very Happy

    mamat ni otai ni, bro share r sikit..
    Crimson Star
    Crimson Star
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 28
    Registration date : 28/06/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by Crimson Star Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:13 am

    Pejuang Syahid wrote:
    That is... assuming they really did only $5 per day through one of the winning niche.

    Ever heard the terms home run?
    And... do you really think all niches found through Blasting made only $5 per day??

    The sort of guy with calibre like Kai Kiske only depends on a niche of $5 a day??
    Not sure about you but I doubt that he really did only $5 per winning niche out of his blasting efforts.

    Most of the niche found through blasting could very well earn up until $200 to $500 per week.
    If you hit home run... it is basically one night riches.

    Call me a positive thinker or way too optimistic in this... but this is how I've been living
    with internet marketing all this while.

    What do I mean??

    Positivity. I don't know about most of you... but being positive thinker in a lot of things in IM
    has helped me conquer most of the unforeseen variables that otherwise would cr[a]ck most of the
    negative thinkers.

    $5 bucks a day merely acts as a catalyst for Kai Kiske.
    Campaign Blasting is a whole different system not related with $5 bucks a day at all.

    It becomes related... because Kai Kiske decided that limiting the expectations per day
    would tremendously helped him in this aspect. And it does... a couple of week starting
    and he only made $5 to $50 per day a niche.

    Things improve after that... a lot of variables has been understood. Winning niches started
    to strike about $100 to $500. One of the winning niche that I helped design a website for him...
    in gaming niche... earned him $45,000 in 3 weeks. All of this are found are through blasting.

    Ofcourse... I'm a mere student that see and learn all of this step.. I myself haven't had the
    opportunity to dive into the campaign blasting method it self.

    And most people who knew of this method aren't really that willing to share it with others.
    Matt are selling it for a steal. Kai's improvise blasting method are only for those willing
    to pay him for personal coaching.

    Perhaps it is indeed a good idea for you to be a negative thinker after all??

    Don't waste your time on something you didn't have faith in Smile

    Again... campaign blasting is a system.
    $5 bucks a day is merely a mindset. It is not a system at all. Nothing related to strategy whatsoever. Merely a mindset.

    Just a side note... from one person who learn blasting as well and implement it with $5 per day

    Q: The Adwords route rarely works as you stated. That is why only 1-12 work,
    with that rate no one would be a success at any venture. Few people have any interest
    in setting up landing pages etc... they don't have the know how, money or experience to
    drive people there successfully. I have done many of these and have talked with many
    others online that can never get it right. Great that it is working well for you on occasion
    and you are making money, you are the exception.

    A: Yes, I believe I mentioned above that 1 out of 10 or 15 AdWords campaigns should be
    successful, if you do it right, and the others, the vast majority, will fail. At first, prior to
    understanding the 5 Buck a Day strategy, or the Campaign Blasting strategy, you would
    think that fact would discourage most from even trying. And yes, it will discourage most,
    including our reader above.

    But it shouldn’t, if you look at it from a different angle. You see, this isn’t like wagering
    on a coin flip, a roll of the dice, or a football game. AdWords marketing, combined with
    campaign blasting, is very powerful. Let’s illustrate:

    On week 1, you start 15 AdWords campaigns. Just for the sake of simplicity, let’s say
    you let each one run until you get $10 worth of clicks and evaluate the results. Let’s say
    that sure enough, 14 of them lost money, and 1 made money. In the simplistic
    example, let’s say that the 14 all lost exactly $10, even though we know that some will
    have some sales, and lose maybe only $3 or $7, but let’s say they all lose $10 each, for
    a total in the hole of $140. At the same time, let’s say our winner made $10, so we’re in
    the hole $130. And let’s say it took 2 days to get these results.

    What’s happened here is 14 campaigns lost 5 bucks a day, 1 campaign made 5 bucks a
    day. Most people would be discouraged. But I would be absolutely thrilled, because I
    could just delete the 14 losers, and let the winner keep going. And let’s say it continues
    to make 5 bucks a day for the rest of the week, so actually we made $35 and lost $140,
    a net loss of $105 for the week.

    With me so far?

    On week 2, you start 15 more, different, campaigns. If 14 of them lose a total of $140,
    and the other one makes $10, in 2 days, then we have the same results as week one.
    So did we lose another $105?

    If you’re with me so far, you know the answer is NO, we didn’t lose $105, because our
    winning campaign from week 1 continues to make 5 bucks a day, another $35 profit, so
    we only lost $70 for the week. Right? If you don’t understand, take pencil and paper
    and start charting the money flow.

    On week 3, same thing. Lose $140, make $35 each from the week 1, week 2, and
    week 3 winners. We’re still losing money, it seems, but are we? Personally I’m getting
    as excited as can be with my good fortune.

    Week 4, same thing. Lose $140, make $35 each from week 1, 2, 3, and 4 winner
    campaigns. Do the math, you’ll find we broke even this week cash flow wise.

    Week 5, 6, 7, 8, at this point we’re rolling. Money is coming in left and right. We’re in
    profits, and it gets better every week. And there’s no looking back.

    Do you see what happened here? Every week, we “invest” $150 into a total of 15
    AdWords campaigns. For a while we’re putting more into the pot than we’re taking out.
    After a while though, it all turns into positive cash flow. In a perfect world, at the end of
    52 weeks, we’ll have 52 winners, each making 5 bucks a day. 52 times $35 per week
    equals $1,820 for the week, minus the $140 investment into finding the losers.

    $1,820 per week is $94,640 per year. Some people would stop investing and live on
    that amount. Would you?

    So do you understand the problem with the thought process of our reader? Even if 14
    out of 15 campaigns fail, we’re only letting the 14 fail for a short time, we’re letting the 1
    winner win forever.

    Ko cakap byk sgt la kawan.

    Ko mamat yg jadi outsourcer Kai Kiske for his PPC management tu kan??
    Aku ada dengar pasal ko.. dari Joker.

    If based on pengetahuan aku dari info from those pees...
    ko adalah yg paling hampir dgn 1K per day.

    Aku ada suggestion untuk ko kawan..
    Apa kata ko refrain from getting into any more forumming session.

    Bukan apa... but for people like you and ubuntu90 yg dah nak pecahkan barrier ni... better ko fokus pada campaign blasting ko yg Kai Kiske ajar.

    From there... instead of continuing on blasting session... ko fokus pada winning campaign plak dan up kan sampai USD 1000 per day per niche.

    Since ko PPC manager untuk Kai Kiske sebelum ni.. walaupun ko blom earn sesen pon online by yourself... aku rasa kalau konsisten fokus bulan 10 ni ko dapat RX-8 sebijik.

    But.. a word of advice.

    Big Boss tak suka ko dan Kai Kiske talk too much campaign blasting and fishing method.
    Jaga-jaga... nanti ko susah nak masuk inner circle kalau ko tak berapa pandai jaga maklumat.

    Blasting is not for everyone.
    Sebab blasting requires micro-management yg dahsyat dan kukuh.
    Tak mustahil nak belajar... tapi kalau jenis cepat putus asa atau mcm kingz punya opinion... jenis negative skit... korang buat blasting 3 minggu jer mampus korang.

    Sebab tu Kai Kiske masukkan $5 bucks a day kedalam method campaign blasting.

    Method campaign blasting yg asal adalah sebijik macam teknik PPC Classroom yg diolah secara extreme oleh 'someone' yg aku takleh reveal disini siapa.

    Bezanya... PPC Classroom menekankan fokus pada research secara mendalam dan launch thousands of keywords at the same time... perhaps about one niche per month. Masalah muncul bila first niche gagal... sedangkan nak launch ambil masa sampai seminggu dua. Waste of time.

    So, enter Campaign Blasting yg fokus untuk mempercepatkan proses PPC Classroom... dan launch almost 15 new campaign in just a couple of days. Fokus campaign blasting yg asal adalah cari winning niche... dan kemudian expand that one particular winning niche tu sampai mencanak ke jumlah USD 1000 per day per niche!

    Which is when... campaign fishing came into the picture. Setiap winning niche dari campaign blasting... akan dijalankan pula method campaign fishing yg bertujuan untuk burn duit about USD 100 to USD 300 just for the sake of collecting information. Dari situ baru winning keyword ditemui dan dibawa masuk dan seterusnya up kan niche tu sampai USD 1000 per day at least.

    Credit to Phoenixwunin, Ghost dan C. sebab mereka yg founded method campaign fishing ni. Sebab tu Phoenixwunin dapat good standing dan diterima dalam circle kami. Method dia bawa banyak niche-niche yg kami dapat through blasting mencanak sampai USD 1000 per day.

    Method asal campaign blasting tak limit pada USD 5 per day. In fact fokus asal campaign blasting adalah mencari winning niche yg boleh buat duit literally overnight (quit impossible actually... but has happened to certain seasonal niche mcm Transformers, G.I Joe dan Wii).

    Matlamat campaign blasting yg sebenar-benarnya hanyalah untuk 'research niche and test the water'. Langsung tak ada fokus dan objektif nak buat USD 5 per day.

    Kai Kiske implement method $5 bucks per day lepas reverse engineer success story Travis Sago.

    Apparently Travis Sago dan PotPieGirl apply the same thinking with $5 bucks a day (Travis personally mention pada kami yg dia guna kaedah $5 per day untuk naik laju).

    Kenapa Kai Kiske guna $5 bucks per day strategi???

    Sbb it's like hitting two birds with one stone.

    On one part... he gets a couple of winning campaign that at least earned him $5 per day.

    On another part... each of these campaign are capable of USD 1000 per day with proper campaign fishing method.

    And as a bonus... not all of the winning blasts earns $5 per day. That's very rare actually. Some gets up to $50. Some $100 per day.

    kingz mention pasal semua niche dah habis kami monopoli.
    Aku tak boleh nak counter thinking ini... sbb ia akan menghabiskan masa aku.

    Tapi for the rest of the forummers... just have faith. The pie is always big enough for you guys to enter.

    And not to mention non-Clickbank niche.

    Try promote stuff mcm night vision goggle ke... gitar elektrik ke... razer deathadder ke...
    There are way less competition for those sort of niches than Clickbank.

    Sbb itu kami pun tak berapa main Clickbank sangat.
    Sbb kami pun manusia biasa macam korang. Kami punya success rate pun bukan tinggi sangat. List bukan besar sangat mcm Ewen Chia dan Liz Tomey. So we have to go for the less competitive market.

    This is all about Campaign Blasting, Campaign Fishing and $5 bucks a Day.
    Kami takkan mention perkara ini lagi dalam ini... sbb ada yg marah.

    Kalau nak tau lebih lanjut.. PM either Pejuang Syahid atau Kai Kiske sendiri.
    Pejuang Syahid patut tahu banyak pasal campaign blasting... sbb dia manager
    PPC kai kiske sebelum ini selama 3 tahun.

    My own opinion???

    Method Campaign Blasting jauh lebih berkuasa dari mana-mana PPC method lain.
    But this stays a subjective and arrogant opinion of mine. Sbb this is what works
    for me. PPC Classroom punya method pon tak berkesan sgt pada aku.

    About apa yg kingz cakap tu... aku takkan counter walau satu pun.
    Sebab aku cuba sedaya upaya nak kekalkan komuniti ini sebagai satu komuniti yang positive dalam banyak perkara.
    Mungkin dia cakap betul... positivity could lead to something disastrous.
    Tapi setakat ni aku tak pernah jumpa lagi la positive thinking yg membawa result yg tak baik. Smile

    Cuma nasihat aku pada forummers dan readers lain... based on my own experience... jgn langsung ada negative thinking atau sifat tak yakin dalam diri.

    Almost always ia akan bawa kejatuhan.

    Now it is up to you reader untuk take my advice atau kingz advice. For the sake of the community aku takkan rebutt langsung apa-apa komen dia... sbb this stays a subjective issue to all of us. Which means... ada kemungkinan dia sebenarnya betul.

    We all could be dead wrong in our teaching here. It works for us good... but it may not work for you. Tapi personal experience aku... most yg aku nampak gagal ni semuanya negative thinker... tak pernah lagi nampak positive thinker gagal.

    Because... negative thinker always quit... and in my own definition of failure... you only fail when you quit.
    As long as you keep on it... you won't fail.

    samada dapat hasil cepat atau lewat jer.
    But this is still subjective opinion from me though... up to you all to decide.

    @Pejuang Syahid

    Big Boss dah cakap baru kejap tadi waktu aku tgh menaip post di atas. Ko akan masuk group kami kalo ko either:

    -Dapat earn 1K per day by this December 2009.


    -Well.. get that Red Mazda RX-8 or any sports car of your desire by October this year. Why?? Because if you are able to own one of these.. that simply means you are able to maintain it. That should be enough proof for us.

    Kalau ko dapat masuk... ko akan ada unlimited resource yg... well.. ko tahulah kan??

    So go get to work now... kalau ko berjaya... bukan saja ko dapat manfaat... the rest of puteranians akan dapat surge of tremendous motivation. Smile

    Wish you luck...

    Pejuang Syahid wrote:
    It could even be that they are plotting to lie to us from the start!!
    All of this teachings of otais are blasphemy!! It's a mass lying!!
    Oh my god... we have to stop listening to them then...

    All hail kingz... save us please. cheers

    LOL... jgn buat lawak bro. Penat kot aku mulakan thread dari awal dulu dgn Phoenixwunin. Habis masa sehari sampai 4 jam sbb thread tu jer.

    Pejuang Syahid wrote:

    Perhaps it might even be best to think that merely collecting money as much as possible is quite useless.
    The time is almost up anyway... the final war is going to happen soon.

    If you ain't muslim.. then this doesn't concern you though. But if you are... it is best to start thinking about Him that created us. Only a couple years left to enjoy all this benefits specifically reserved for those ignorant.

    Have a good day...

    Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.

    War?? Teori golden age Israel 75 tahun tu ek??
    Teori tu yg jadik catalyst sampai Phoenixwunin stop buat IM.

    Masa Magnolia dan Phoenix cerita kat aku pun aku jad menggeletar gak.
    Kalau teori tu tepat kita akan perang dunia ke-3 15 tahun lagi dengan center kali ini kawasan asia iaitu kemungkinan besar negara kita sekali. Based on apa yg Magnolia cerita la berdasarkan hadis-hadis akhir zaman yg dia kumpul.

    Tak salah aku kronologi dia:

    1) Israel jatuh dulu dengan teruk (Golden Age Israel hanya 75 tahun sebanyak dua kali.. pertama zaman Nabi Musa A.S.. kedua adalah sekarang dah berapa puluh tahun dah... almost nearing the end. Ada information from some ustaz bahawa Israel dah merayakan ulang tahun dia yg ke 60 baru-baru ni... so if that is true.. tinggal 15 tahun lagi la before the great war).
    2) Puak Rom (Amerika dan France etc..) akan bersatu dengan Islam melawan Syiah + Komunis.
    3) Pihak Rom akan berlawan dengan Islam selepas menang ke atas Syiah. Perang Salib seterusnya bermula.

    Dah hampir benar kita dengan kiamat. Tiba-tiba aku rasa sangat insaf pulak...

    Cool OK Smile No Offense Smile

    P.S: Ada attempt dari someone yg cuba trace IP kami semua... aku, Joker dan Kai Kiske dah kena. As such kami akan stop posting dalam ni buat sementara waktu. Minta maaf kepada semua. Smile
    ~Strip Cake~
    ~Strip Cake~
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 139
    Registration date : 03/08/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by ~Strip Cake~ Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:33 am


    best aa bro CS msk..penuh ilmu yg dibawa...makin semangat aku jdknya..huhuhu..

    erkk nk tanya korg nie,psl automatic article submit software tue...kena anta unique artikel ke kat seme article directory??

    aku takut article sama,nanti google x index la plak..aduss confius2...


    Number of posts : 410
    Registration date : 02/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by kamikase30 Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:49 pm

    ok korang dah boleh start buat planing.

    jangan buang masa sebab korang sebenarnya membuang terlalu banyak duit.
    jangan buat sebarang alasan, memberi sebarang alasan.
    jangan mula buat alasan, sekali korang dah buat alasan. dia akan jadi virus.
    walaupun dah xde masa sekali pun, just korbankan waktu tidur korang 20 minit pun cukup.
    jangan berenti walaupun satu hari. sebab korang sebenarnya menghalang duit masuk kedalam kantung korang.
    buat walaupun 20, 50 ayat, paling worst sekali pun, jangan berenti, jangan berenti.

    every day and every second, speed, speed, speed, speed, speed,
    jangan lupa walau 1 saat pun pada niche korang,
    bayangkan kejayaan, bayangkan korang dapat pergi last vegas, bayang kan,
    hidup korang lapang selapang-lapangnye, hidup korang freeeeeee gile-gile..

    bro's... RM 94,500.00 / sebulan tengah tunggu korang tu,
    pada 2012 korang akan dapat RM300,000,000.00,

    bro, you creat your life,
    you creat the exact amount of your financial success,
    NOW, you play the money game to win,
    you intention is to creat wealth and abundance,
    you now admire and model rich and successful people.

    bro's, we belive's,
    money is important right,
    money is freedom right,
    and money makes life more enjoyable right,

    you will get rich 'doing' what you love,
    you deserve to be rich because after this you will add value to other people lives back,
    you are generous giver and an excellent receiver, yes you can,
    lucrative opportunities always come your way, yes you can,
    you got big capacity TO ERN, [ RM300,000,000.00 by 2012] yes you can,

    haha, next the money will grow day by day.

    imagine your fairlady Z,
    imagine your 2.5 mil house,
    imagine all your people,
    imagine your lifestyle,
    imagine your vacation,
    imagine your knowledge,
    imagine your disire supercar,
    imagine your freeeeeeeeeeeee time'
    imagine all people come to you, they like you, love you, you share everyting, and every body happiness,
    imagine your live very very very 'clear',
    imagine your smile everyday,
    imagine your wonderfull health,
    imagine your happiness with your the most beutifull girlfriend,

    pay your self every day with unlimited money, believes on that,
    your niche's work hard for you every day and make more and more money,

    bro's, dont stop, even 0.1 second.

    speed, speed, speed, speed, speed, speed, speed, speed,

    money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money,

    just one thing you need to know ------>>> it's all start with ' JV '..

    ' The Missing Chapter '.. Cool

    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 120
    Registration date : 21/02/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by Zex Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:12 pm

    yup's all start with 'JV'.

    we very close that..he..Razz

    what is JV??

    it's all start from your brain?

    idea + brainstorming + skill = JV = $$$cyclops

    .::ZEX NIG::.


    Number of posts : 410
    Registration date : 02/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by kamikase30 Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:32 pm

    yup, bro...

    usd $300,000.00 / month wahkakakakakakk..

    'to create the new circle'

    1.relationship, button,
    6.let go,
    8.hope, mind
    10. xxxxxxxxxx??????

    kite akan gugurkan lying teori tu,

    oooooooooooo yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh,

    the missing chapter.. Cool

    pidi kacipcrew
    Ahli Baharu
    Ahli Baharu

    Number of posts : 94
    Registration date : 12/06/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by pidi kacipcrew Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:11 am


    bro kamikase,

    frankly speaking.. ak xpk pon psl nk kaye.. ak nk tolong mak bapak aku je.. hutang diaorg byk.. gaji bulan2 siket je.. adik bradik ramai.. ciao.. buat keje ak

    Number of posts : 410
    Registration date : 02/03/2009

    Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing - Page 36 Empty Re: Perbincangan Affiliate/Niche Marketing

    Post by kamikase30 Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:30 am

    Alasan tu i dah dengar bulan 6 tahun lepas, buat alasan lain..

    Ini alasan baru..

    I nak jadi kaya untuk membantu lebih ramai orang
    I nak jadi kaya untuk menikmati kepuasan hidup sepuas-puasnya

    I nak jadi kaya untuk membahagiakan girlfriend saya <<<------ yg ni u jangan ikut
    I nak jadi kaya supaya hidup i 'clear' <<<------ it's got my own meaning for that

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